About Me
- Name: U2Lorax
- Location: RDU, NC, United States
U2 fan, Caniac, idealist, dreamer, environmentalist, BTVS addict, hockey nut, computer impaired coffeeholic. Did I mention U2 fan? :)

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This that and the other thing. Though there might be more of this than that. And little of the other things. Maybe.
Thursday, May 12, 2005
Arugula may not only be a type of lettuce, it is an oft used swear word for me. Other common swearings of mine are: Son of a petri dish! frickin frackin freaking feck! Criminently! Freaking heck! Son of a beehive! Fruit salad! Shhhhhoot to kill! Horse feathers! horseradish! Stupid numbnut, learn to drive ya neenerhead! Bloody Hell! Stupid plonker/wanker/ned.... Okay so those last couple are actually profane across the pond. See UK Slang for definitions.
All the swearing can be placed entirely on the low front heading this way. I've got a built in barometric pressure indicator in my head resulting from minor brain surgery back in 2001. Anyway, my head hurts which raises my ire (ticks me off to be in pain, if that makes any sense), hence the swearing. Plus I'm using dial up after being well and truly spoiled with fast internet having used assorted WiFi spots. I know, I know, Stop whining already. ""
I did make some lovely green tea today. No glass pitcher to make sun tea, so I did it the other old fashioned way - add hot water. Then iced it down and drank. Good stuff. And I managed to Not turn on my AC! Yay me! Just checked the doppler and it's so pretty!!!! Storms heading for me!! Wow! Thunder! Yay! Totally worth the headache when there's a storm.
On a side note, I have copied the code for my blog and will, theoretically, work on it so that I like the layout better. The sidebars are too big, the font is squirelly, and I want a picture! Mayhap one of Bono in his fly shades, Bomb Shelter jacket, Samurai bandana, marching on stage, waving a white flag as he shouts "I speak for the trees! I speak for the trees for the trees have no tongues!" while The Edge plays a wicked riff and stomps his foot, Adam grooves with his smirky grin and Larry hammers out the band's rage at the continued lack of heart about environmental causes.
Thanks Melonie for putting the Bono image in my head. Tho I felt the need to expand it :)
All the swearing can be placed entirely on the low front heading this way. I've got a built in barometric pressure indicator in my head resulting from minor brain surgery back in 2001. Anyway, my head hurts which raises my ire (ticks me off to be in pain, if that makes any sense), hence the swearing. Plus I'm using dial up after being well and truly spoiled with fast internet having used assorted WiFi spots. I know, I know, Stop whining already. "
I did make some lovely green tea today. No glass pitcher to make sun tea, so I did it the other old fashioned way - add hot water. Then iced it down and drank. Good stuff. And I managed to Not turn on my AC! Yay me! Just checked the doppler and it's so pretty!!!! Storms heading for me!! Wow! Thunder! Yay! Totally worth the headache when there's a storm.
On a side note, I have copied the code for my blog and will, theoretically, work on it so that I like the layout better. The sidebars are too big, the font is squirelly, and I want a picture! Mayhap one of Bono in his fly shades, Bomb Shelter jacket, Samurai bandana, marching on stage, waving a white flag as he shouts "I speak for the trees! I speak for the trees for the trees have no tongues!" while The Edge plays a wicked riff and stomps his foot, Adam grooves with his smirky grin and Larry hammers out the band's rage at the continued lack of heart about environmental causes.
Thanks Melonie for putting the Bono image in my head. Tho I felt the need to expand it :)
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Oh - to anyone else reading this, dont take the 'minor brain surgery' thing so lightly ... it was a lobotomy ... you should see the twitch she still has from when the knife slipped!!
hahahahaha, oh, can't wait to see that picture, but I don't need to because I've got it right 'ere in me 'ead. ;) We've got some storms here now, too. Big red lightning and thunder. wooohooooooo!
Har dee har har Ellie Mae. Lobotomy is cutting into the front of the brain. My brain was never sliced into...just moved around. And the sawing of the skull is in back, in a not so straight line. You want me to whip out the post surgery photos? I still got 'em somewheres. Just Sooo very glad that they used soluble stitches on my head and not staples like they did on my back. Hmm. I feel a new blog entry coming upon me.......
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