This that and the other thing. Though there might be more of this than that. And little of the other things. Maybe.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

No Line On The Horizon

A new Edge interview! I was enthralled (not surprising). Now I must look diligently for a copy of MOJO. In case interview has photographs!

Canes have lost two in a row now. Grrr. Hopefully we can turn things around on Wednesday night when the brawlers (flyers) are in town. Let's Go Canes!

Long day yesterday, will be a long day today despite my late arrival (am aiming for 1000ish) as I have to 'volunteer' tonight from 1700-2000. I like how they tell you that you're volunteering but it's required that you cover a shift. In my book, that's not volunteering, it's community service.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Riddled to Procrastination

I was busily attempting to write and someone gave the address to this. Silly me clicked on it and I wasted all kinds of time on it. Oy. I won't tell you what level I'm on as I don't want you to mock me.

Yes, I did get past the first level.

I passed 30,000 words on Saturday. That was over 5000 words written in one day. Huzzah. Although I'm still behind. I passed 33,000 words on Sunday. Woo. And yes, I'm still behind. *sigh*

Canes won on Friday - WoooHoooo!!!! But lost on Sunday *sniffle*cry* Ah well.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Ninja Kitty with Jaws Theme

I think I need to start training Luna to do this.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Better Late Than ...

It is sweltering inside. Crazy that I have to have the fan on just to be comfortable. Stupid, irresponsible, disrespectful waste of energy. Bah.

Still behind on my word count, though I did make some nice strides earlier this week. I have lofty goals for this weekend.

JT took a shower today! His first one! He called to tell me and was so excited about it. He's growing up so fast!!!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Le Sigh

Luna weighs 3.8 lbs, got her rabies shot and is roundworm free! wooo.

Also, picked up my new glasses today.

I could rant but it would take too much effort. And I'm tired.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Soulshine - Allman Brothers Band

Recorded July 1, 1994 in Raleigh, NC.

Love this song. Best (audio) version on youtube, even with the abrupt ending. Then again, maybe I'm overly influenced by the location :)

Thursday, November 13, 2008

More Moaning & Whining

Yes, I'm still grouchy. I have new contacts from eye doc. I had to take them out midday. I also walked around, doing an inspection, with one eye closed and made my minion drive when we were done. It was painful. My poor eyeball.

I've had headache zombies shuffling and pounding away in my head all day. Eyeball situation only made them more agitated.

My plans to leave work at 1300 tomorrow were nixed due to having to interview people for a position in another department. Still not sure how I was wrangled onto the interview committee. Nor am I clear on why it's okay (ie expected) for me to change my plans when I had it clearly marked on my calendar (viewable by person scheduling said interviews) that I was unavailable all afternoon. Very vexing when you're low person on the totem poll.

What's sad, even my dreams have something work related in them *sigh*. I could use a vacation. Or just an entire weekend off.

Bah. Don't ask. It's been really, really rough. stupid capitals.

Still behind. Far behind. Have plans to write tomorrow night and Saturday morning. Hopefully both will be very productive.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Pitiful. Just Pitiful.

We got our GSA's (general salary adjustment) at work. It knocked me into the next tax bracket. So my paycheck will actually be less than it was before the GSA. There is something wrong with that.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

And You Thought I'd Forget To Post Today

Didn't you! Well, I know at least one of you did. Even if you didn't give me grief about it. Yet.

Here's the deal. Today is a holiday from work. Yet where was I at 0900? Work. When did the people I was supposed to be meeting at work show up? 1045. When did they indicate they would be there? 0900. Did I leave a voice mail for the one guy at 0935 chewing him out? You betcha.

On the bright side I was leaving work at 1215 or so. And I'm currently at a very spiffy coffee shop in North Raleigh. The roomie discovered it last week. Huge kudos to her! The fact that it's a 20 minute drive is okay. Especially since she drove :)

Monday, November 10, 2008

Here Muse, Muse, Muse

I know, I know. My posting has been erratic. Sometimes nonexistent. I've been busy at work. And then there's Nano, where I'm very behind. I have hopes of getting back on track though. A plot is forming, which helps immensely.

I'm hoping another day/night of 10+ hours of sleep will help me. That's my plan for tonight. Sleep. Very exciting.

Thursday, November 06, 2008

My Eyeballs Are Missing

I last positively remember having them on Saturday. I put them in during the hockey game. and since I'm now wearing my glasses, I took them out after I got home. That's the last, concrete, time I remember having them. I've called every place I've been between then & early Tuesday morning (when I first noticed them missing), no sign of them.

Here's the deal, when I take out my eyeballs to put on my glasses, I put the contacts case inside my glasses case. For this very reason!!! The glasses case is large, metal & shiny silver. Hard to miss even if I am without my eyeballs and glasses.

I have looked in my car (under both seats, in the trunk & glove boxes), removed all bedding & foam cushions from my bed, moved everything on my desk, nightstand, chest of drawers and bookcase. I've looked under my bed, desk, chest of drawers & nightstand. I've rummaged throughout my bathroom. Dismantled the couch & chair in the living room, looked under the couch & ottoman. I found numerous cat toys and remote control devices but no glasses case.

So now I have to cancel my follow up eye appointment (he was going to check on how my eyes were adjusting to the new contacts) and schedule a different one to get a new set of contacts. Even if I had vision insurance, it would still cost a bundle to do this. The headache I have from wearing my glasses constantly after alternating with the contacts, not pretty. It's also something that OTC meds don't help.

So, to the person or persons who took my glasses case as a prank, yeah you really don't want to know what I think of you. And hopefully I have to deal with you on a daily basis so you can get a taste of me in pain. I'm not pleasant or nice. Plus I'm pissed. It's not anywhere near the land of funny or good practical joke to take & hide something that someone physically needs to get through the day.

Canes play the Caps tonight in DC. GO CANES!!

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Is That A No?

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Baaaaaaaaaad Sweaters

So instead of writing more or perusing the pix of my adorable nephews in their Halloween costumes, I designed a holiday sweater. Isn't it ..something?

Create your own here! Or you can just 'window shop' through all the other sweaters created by folks. Some are funny. Some are really, really hideous.


If you're in the USA, don't forget to vote!! Preferably for the guy I'm voting for :)

Monday, November 03, 2008

NaNoWriMo 2008

So it's November again. Do you know where your plot is? I don't. That hasn't stopped me from writing though.

I'll add the above widget to my sidebar (in theory) so that yall can track my progress. Hopefully it will steadily increase as the month goes by. If you see it waffling, give me a nudge. It could be that I haven't written anything, that the NaNo site has crashed and updates aren't being sent, that I simply haven't updated my word count or something else entirely.

Went to the Canes game on Saturday (vs Edmonton). It was fun. Would've been better had we won though. I got a free magnet schedule and Hurricanes emblem for my car. Actually I got three of each. Person I went with gave me their magnet set and I found one on our way out. One for work, one for home and one for a friend.

On the bright side, Canes did beat Toronto on Sunday. Woohooo!!! :)

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