About Me
- Name: U2Lorax
- Location: RDU, NC, United States
U2 fan, Caniac, idealist, dreamer, environmentalist, BTVS addict, hockey nut, computer impaired coffeeholic. Did I mention U2 fan? :)

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This that and the other thing. Though there might be more of this than that. And little of the other things. Maybe.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
More Moaning & Whining
Yes, I'm still grouchy. I have new contacts from eye doc. I had to take them out midday. I also walked around, doing an inspection, with one eye closed and made my minion drive when we were done. It was painful. My poor eyeball.
I've had headache zombies shuffling and pounding away in my head all day. Eyeball situation only made them more agitated.
My plans to leave work at 1300 tomorrow were nixed due to having to interview people for a position in another department. Still not sure how I was wrangled onto the interview committee. Nor am I clear on why it's okay (ie expected) for me to change my plans when I had it clearly marked on my calendar (viewable by person scheduling said interviews) that I was unavailable all afternoon. Very vexing when you're low person on the totem poll.
What's sad, even my dreams have something work related in them *sigh*. I could use a vacation. Or just an entire weekend off.
Bah. Don't ask. It's been really, really rough. stupid capitals.
Still behind. Far behind. Have plans to write tomorrow night and Saturday morning. Hopefully both will be very productive.
I've had headache zombies shuffling and pounding away in my head all day. Eyeball situation only made them more agitated.
My plans to leave work at 1300 tomorrow were nixed due to having to interview people for a position in another department. Still not sure how I was wrangled onto the interview committee. Nor am I clear on why it's okay (ie expected) for me to change my plans when I had it clearly marked on my calendar (viewable by person scheduling said interviews) that I was unavailable all afternoon. Very vexing when you're low person on the totem poll.
What's sad, even my dreams have something work related in them *sigh*. I could use a vacation. Or just an entire weekend off.
Bah. Don't ask. It's been really, really rough. stupid capitals.
Still behind. Far behind. Have plans to write tomorrow night and Saturday morning. Hopefully both will be very productive.
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Welcome to Management! Plans are just guidelines and leaving early can never be planned in advanced and having to deal with stuff on weekends very common. Again, Welcome to the world of Management.
But I understand the frustration.
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But I understand the frustration.
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