About Me
- Name: U2Lorax
- Location: RDU, NC, United States
U2 fan, Caniac, idealist, dreamer, environmentalist, BTVS addict, hockey nut, computer impaired coffeeholic. Did I mention U2 fan? :)

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This that and the other thing. Though there might be more of this than that. And little of the other things. Maybe.
Thursday, November 06, 2008
My Eyeballs Are Missing
I last positively remember having them on Saturday. I put them in during the hockey game. and since I'm now wearing my glasses, I took them out after I got home. That's the last, concrete, time I remember having them. I've called every place I've been between then & early Tuesday morning (when I first noticed them missing), no sign of them.
Here's the deal, when I take out my eyeballs to put on my glasses, I put the contacts case inside my glasses case. For this very reason!!! The glasses case is large, metal & shiny silver. Hard to miss even if I am without my eyeballs and glasses.
I have looked in my car (under both seats, in the trunk & glove boxes), removed all bedding & foam cushions from my bed, moved everything on my desk, nightstand, chest of drawers and bookcase. I've looked under my bed, desk, chest of drawers & nightstand. I've rummaged throughout my bathroom. Dismantled the couch & chair in the living room, looked under the couch & ottoman. I found numerous cat toys and remote control devices but no glasses case.
So now I have to cancel my follow up eye appointment (he was going to check on how my eyes were adjusting to the new contacts) and schedule a different one to get a new set of contacts. Even if I had vision insurance, it would still cost a bundle to do this. The headache I have from wearing my glasses constantly after alternating with the contacts, not pretty. It's also something that OTC meds don't help.
So, to the person or persons who took my glasses case as a prank, yeah you really don't want to know what I think of you. And hopefully I have to deal with you on a daily basis so you can get a taste of me in pain. I'm not pleasant or nice. Plus I'm pissed. It's not anywhere near the land of funny or good practical joke to take & hide something that someone physically needs to get through the day.
Canes play the Caps tonight in DC. GO CANES!!
Here's the deal, when I take out my eyeballs to put on my glasses, I put the contacts case inside my glasses case. For this very reason!!! The glasses case is large, metal & shiny silver. Hard to miss even if I am without my eyeballs and glasses.
I have looked in my car (under both seats, in the trunk & glove boxes), removed all bedding & foam cushions from my bed, moved everything on my desk, nightstand, chest of drawers and bookcase. I've looked under my bed, desk, chest of drawers & nightstand. I've rummaged throughout my bathroom. Dismantled the couch & chair in the living room, looked under the couch & ottoman. I found numerous cat toys and remote control devices but no glasses case.
So now I have to cancel my follow up eye appointment (he was going to check on how my eyes were adjusting to the new contacts) and schedule a different one to get a new set of contacts. Even if I had vision insurance, it would still cost a bundle to do this. The headache I have from wearing my glasses constantly after alternating with the contacts, not pretty. It's also something that OTC meds don't help.
So, to the person or persons who took my glasses case as a prank, yeah you really don't want to know what I think of you. And hopefully I have to deal with you on a daily basis so you can get a taste of me in pain. I'm not pleasant or nice. Plus I'm pissed. It's not anywhere near the land of funny or good practical joke to take & hide something that someone physically needs to get through the day.
Canes play the Caps tonight in DC. GO CANES!!