About Me
- Name: U2Lorax
- Location: RDU, NC, United States
U2 fan, Caniac, idealist, dreamer, environmentalist, BTVS addict, hockey nut, computer impaired coffeeholic. Did I mention U2 fan? :)

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This that and the other thing. Though there might be more of this than that. And little of the other things. Maybe.
Friday, May 06, 2005
It's May 6 (Happy Birthday Amy!!!) and I'm freezing. Thankfully not in the literal sense. It's 50 degrees Farenheit, wet and breezy. I was just looking at the doppler for Central NC and it looks like the rain is done for the day.. which is good and bad. Good cause I don't like driving in the rain (you hit a puddle, do a 360 on the interstate and hydroplane into the embankment and then tell me you don't get anxious driving in the rain) but bad because the groudwater levels are still low. At least this last rainy bout has been slow and steady. Excellent for reestablishing the groundwater. I swear I was at least student of meteorlogy in a former life :)
Anyways I'm traveling to the beach this weekend for a wedding. Yay Nikki and Scott!!!! Due to my squirrely car, I get to be a passenger in the 'eep! (that's Jeep for all you non-Jeep peeps) I'm the lucky passenger because the 'eep is a stick and I can drive stick (thank you dad!) and the other ladies in our caravan (one other car, two people) cannot. Yes, I know it's horrid to not take one car down since there's just the four of us heading out tonight. Believe me, my environmentalist heart is hurting over this. However, once at the beach we'll actually need two cars plus the only car that could actually hold the four of us and our luggage is my car. Maybe that's why she's acting squirrley! Even with the new battery. Going to replace the spark plugs next weekend and get the brakes looked at (again!) on Monday. Perhaps she is smarter than she lets on...Hmmmmm.
Okay so I've babbled a lot and haven't said much of anything. Am I talented or what? As it is I need to pack and zip over to E & M's place. Now where did I put my suitcase?
I want to give a special shout out and thanks to the WRAL meteorologists (Greg, Mike, Mike, Chris and Elizabeth) for not assuming that their viewers are dimwits and not able to understand some technical jargon and different weather models!
Anyways I'm traveling to the beach this weekend for a wedding. Yay Nikki and Scott!!!! Due to my squirrely car, I get to be a passenger in the 'eep! (that's Jeep for all you non-Jeep peeps) I'm the lucky passenger because the 'eep is a stick and I can drive stick (thank you dad!) and the other ladies in our caravan (one other car, two people) cannot. Yes, I know it's horrid to not take one car down since there's just the four of us heading out tonight. Believe me, my environmentalist heart is hurting over this. However, once at the beach we'll actually need two cars plus the only car that could actually hold the four of us and our luggage is my car. Maybe that's why she's acting squirrley! Even with the new battery. Going to replace the spark plugs next weekend and get the brakes looked at (again!) on Monday. Perhaps she is smarter than she lets on...Hmmmmm.
Okay so I've babbled a lot and haven't said much of anything. Am I talented or what? As it is I need to pack and zip over to E & M's place. Now where did I put my suitcase?
I want to give a special shout out and thanks to the WRAL meteorologists (Greg, Mike, Mike, Chris and Elizabeth) for not assuming that their viewers are dimwits and not able to understand some technical jargon and different weather models!
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Hope the wedding was fun! I -know- the beach was, because it's never NOT. d:) Hope you didnt get sand-blasted/exfoliated, like last time ... forgot to remind you to bring cameras and take lots of pics!!
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