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- Name: U2Lorax
- Location: RDU, NC, United States
U2 fan, Caniac, idealist, dreamer, environmentalist, BTVS addict, hockey nut, computer impaired coffeeholic. Did I mention U2 fan? :)

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Thursday, May 26, 2005
Dreams, books and tv shows
The last couple nights I've been having serious insomnia problems. Hence the postings in the early morning hours. I've been an insomniac for ages now (over a year) but it has been getting better. Usually I wake up a lot (seven, eight, ten times a night is not uncommon...where a 'night' equals about six hours) but the last week I've not been falling asleep until 3.30 or 4.30 in the morning (still waking up a lot). This is when being unemployed is actually a good thing.
So during my extreme insomnia this last week I've been having odd dreams. I've been re-reading the book The Eyes of The Dragon by Stephen King. It's one of his fantasy ones - castles, kings, evil sorcerer, good son, bad son, etc. My dreams have been taking place in this castle, with these characters and others (my friends, family, people I know in my dreams but whom I have no idea who they are) with weird interactions. Basically the book plot is ongoing with my modern day shenanigans intermixed.
Most recent dream had some friends and I knocking about the castle looking for secret passages, whilst it snowed (inside the castle), a hurricane raged outside and a leprechaun danced and cavorted about playing the flute. Only the modern day folks were impacted by the storms, little pockets of fair weather surrounded the story people. Everybody ignored the leprechaun, to his chagrin.
Everything is done to the commercial jingle "Super Skirty". It is driving me insane, hearing this 'song' over and over and I mutter about wishing for "real music" which causes the leprechaun to bounce about more and play even louder. We still ignore him and his face turns red and steam starts coming from his ears but he continues to ping pong about - picture Yoda in Episode II light saber fight with the traitor guy (no clue what his name is) - only replace the light saber with a flute and add steam.
Cell phones ringing, tvs blaring, computers connecting to the internet (modem sounds) all make up the background noises. Unfortunately I can still hear "It's super skirt, super flirt. That's super skirty! Yooowwwww (oww? now??)" The electrical devices are suprisingly unaffected by the snow, despite the drifts getting ever higher. There's no real beginning or ending to the dream. Just us walking about, pushing stones, twisting sconces, tilting pictures, etc. looking for passageways.
I think the dream means that I've been watching too much tv lately. Speaking of which, the Lost and Alias season finales were tonight. Both were fairly predictable - especially with the 'previews' that ABC has been showing since last Weds. Don't want to spoil it for anyone (yall like how I pretend that I have this huge readership? *grin*) but I gotta say the last five minutes of Alias .. HOLY FREAKING HECK!!!!! Depending how it turns out (season premier this fall) it may make up for last weeks "episode".
So during my extreme insomnia this last week I've been having odd dreams. I've been re-reading the book The Eyes of The Dragon by Stephen King. It's one of his fantasy ones - castles, kings, evil sorcerer, good son, bad son, etc. My dreams have been taking place in this castle, with these characters and others (my friends, family, people I know in my dreams but whom I have no idea who they are) with weird interactions. Basically the book plot is ongoing with my modern day shenanigans intermixed.
Most recent dream had some friends and I knocking about the castle looking for secret passages, whilst it snowed (inside the castle), a hurricane raged outside and a leprechaun danced and cavorted about playing the flute. Only the modern day folks were impacted by the storms, little pockets of fair weather surrounded the story people. Everybody ignored the leprechaun, to his chagrin.
Everything is done to the commercial jingle "Super Skirty". It is driving me insane, hearing this 'song' over and over and I mutter about wishing for "real music" which causes the leprechaun to bounce about more and play even louder. We still ignore him and his face turns red and steam starts coming from his ears but he continues to ping pong about - picture Yoda in Episode II light saber fight with the traitor guy (no clue what his name is) - only replace the light saber with a flute and add steam.
Cell phones ringing, tvs blaring, computers connecting to the internet (modem sounds) all make up the background noises. Unfortunately I can still hear "It's super skirt, super flirt. That's super skirty! Yooowwwww (oww? now??)" The electrical devices are suprisingly unaffected by the snow, despite the drifts getting ever higher. There's no real beginning or ending to the dream. Just us walking about, pushing stones, twisting sconces, tilting pictures, etc. looking for passageways.
I think the dream means that I've been watching too much tv lately. Speaking of which, the Lost and Alias season finales were tonight. Both were fairly predictable - especially with the 'previews' that ABC has been showing since last Weds. Don't want to spoil it for anyone (yall like how I pretend that I have this huge readership? *grin*) but I gotta say the last five minutes of Alias .. HOLY FREAKING HECK!!!!! Depending how it turns out (season premier this fall) it may make up for last weeks "episode".
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I loved The Eyes of the Dragon. I forgot about it until you mentioned it. Great book, fond memories there.
Oh, and I think the traitor guy was Count Dooku. Yoda kicked the dooku out of him, too. ;)
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Oh, and I think the traitor guy was Count Dooku. Yoda kicked the dooku out of him, too. ;)
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