This that and the other thing. Though there might be more of this than that. And little of the other things. Maybe.

Thursday, May 19, 2005

Fork that 'rita!!

Lovely storms today!!! Pouring rain, some gusty winds even a little thunder! Totally made my day! Granted the swirly margaritas at dinner tonight didn't hurt things either :) We had two pitchers of margaritas (half regular frozen 'rita swirled with frozen raspberry 'rita). The second pitcher hadn't been swirled as much and there was a mound of regular 'rita at the top. The three of us all wanted to scoop out some of it and we did, with our forks. Yes, we were drinking margaritas with a fork. Funny stuff. Funnier still that the idea occurred to all three of us at the same time. Course it might have been the first pitcher talking... Maybe ;)

Oh, toilet update. So, apparently, I don't have any duct tape (I know, brave of me to admit that!) and my needle nose pliers are MIA. I couldn't find my packing tape either so I was stuck with scotch tape. It's temporarily rigged until maintenance comes. Course, I first have to Call them *grin* A water saving tip for those of us without water efficient toilets, stick a waterproof gallon container (full of water) in the tank.

Don't forget! U2 on Good Morning America Friday, May 20 between 7.30 and 8.30 and Saturday May 21!!!!
Your blog does have a lot of interesting things. Great. keep it up
I love the way you segued from drinking 'ritas with a fork to the toilet update. *giggle* I do hope it is no indication of how things turned out. ;)
Dang, I missed U2! I slept late.
Thanks for stopping by DGV:) My first comment from someone in India! Very cool

LOL! Melonie! Nahh I didn't drink that much. :) Haven't ever drank so much that I was sicking up later. Just that my stream of consciousness is random when I've been drinking - Well more random than usual *grin*

U2 is on again Sat morning. Not sure when tho..
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