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- Name: U2Lorax
- Location: RDU, NC, United States
U2 fan, Caniac, idealist, dreamer, environmentalist, BTVS addict, hockey nut, computer impaired coffeeholic. Did I mention U2 fan? :)

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Thursday, May 12, 2005
Pincushion Anyone?
So this is my second attempt at the Pincushion Anyone? entry. First time my browser froze. Tis what I get for not composing in wordpad or word or notepad etc first. And for using IE instead of Mozilla. Although Mozilla has been acting squirrelly ever since I reinstalled my virus/firewall software.. Have I mentioned that I'm computer impaired?
Anywho, this little blog entry is entirely Elims' fault. For the record, I didn't have a lobotomy because I'm a mental case. I didn't have a lobotomy at all. The back of my head was sawed open and my brain was repositioned in my head - it wasn't cut into. Hence the phrasing "minor brain surgery" in my previous blog. Although some folks would argue that I am a mental case *coughEllieMaecough* at times but I feel that is entirely a reflection on them. I'm totally fine being sporadically crazy *grin* At least she didn't say that I was having "neurotic issues" as she did at a gathering when someone asked if I was coming or not. She meant "neurologic issues" but had one of those blank brain moments - which I term halfheimer's (acquired the word from a college roomie's mom) because the memory loss was only temporary. No derogatory intentions towards folks with Alzheimer's intended.
Oh the surgery was necessary to reduce pressure on my brain and spinal cord and subsequently my nerves which were shooting all kinds of pain, burning, numbness, tingling signals to assorted parts of my body. As I referenced in a previous comment, the incision was closed with soluble stitches/sutures. Incision was something like nine inches long. I can't imagine the number of staples that would be required. Okay, I can cause I had back surgery last November (ruptured two disks in my back - I don't recommend it) and they used staples. Fifteen staples for a four inch incision. So that'd make it about 34 staples in my head. No thanks. Cause yanking those 15 out of my back hurt! Not to mention the 30 circular mini-scars I have now. See why I called this entry Pincushion Anyone? *grin* Yes, yes, more info than any random person wants to know. At least I didn't throw in any of the $10 medical words I could have. Or include photos of both incisions :)
Anywho, this little blog entry is entirely Elims' fault. For the record, I didn't have a lobotomy because I'm a mental case. I didn't have a lobotomy at all. The back of my head was sawed open and my brain was repositioned in my head - it wasn't cut into. Hence the phrasing "minor brain surgery" in my previous blog. Although some folks would argue that I am a mental case *coughEllieMaecough* at times but I feel that is entirely a reflection on them. I'm totally fine being sporadically crazy *grin* At least she didn't say that I was having "neurotic issues" as she did at a gathering when someone asked if I was coming or not. She meant "neurologic issues" but had one of those blank brain moments - which I term halfheimer's (acquired the word from a college roomie's mom) because the memory loss was only temporary. No derogatory intentions towards folks with Alzheimer's intended.
Oh the surgery was necessary to reduce pressure on my brain and spinal cord and subsequently my nerves which were shooting all kinds of pain, burning, numbness, tingling signals to assorted parts of my body. As I referenced in a previous comment, the incision was closed with soluble stitches/sutures. Incision was something like nine inches long. I can't imagine the number of staples that would be required. Okay, I can cause I had back surgery last November (ruptured two disks in my back - I don't recommend it) and they used staples. Fifteen staples for a four inch incision. So that'd make it about 34 staples in my head. No thanks. Cause yanking those 15 out of my back hurt! Not to mention the 30 circular mini-scars I have now. See why I called this entry Pincushion Anyone? *grin* Yes, yes, more info than any random person wants to know. At least I didn't throw in any of the $10 medical words I could have. Or include photos of both incisions :)
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Wow, that is a lot of serious work you've had done, but yes, I can see why you called your entry what you did! I hope you are feeling quite better recently.
I have not had brain surgery yet, but could probably use it. ;)
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I have not had brain surgery yet, but could probably use it. ;)
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