This that and the other thing. Though there might be more of this than that. And little of the other things. Maybe.

Monday, May 16, 2005

Storm Study

Forgot about this until I read a comment on the Cumulonimbus Corner and it triggered my memory.

So whilst out getting coffee (okay a caramel frappacino) and a paper on Sunday, I saw this SUV with on the side. My first thought was "lucky jerk" (okay so 'jerk' wasn't the word that came to mind but I don't think I should say b&$t&rd on here and I'm not fond of spelling words with symbols to disguise them). Some other lady had already cornered the guy and was grilling him about what he did. He was doing his best to be gracious and still get on his way, but the lady didn't want to let him leave until her curiousity was satisfied. I had anchored my paper down (driving with the windows down to enjoy the morning) and was contemplating going over and pestering the guy myself when he managed to ease himself into his truck. Which was better as I was running late. It seemed pretty important at the time but apparently it wasn't important enough to stick with me. Maybe the glorious day (late afternoon storms baby!) washed it away.
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