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- Name: U2Lorax
- Location: RDU, NC, United States
U2 fan, Caniac, idealist, dreamer, environmentalist, BTVS addict, hockey nut, computer impaired coffeeholic. Did I mention U2 fan? :)

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This that and the other thing. Though there might be more of this than that. And little of the other things. Maybe.
Wednesday, June 15, 2005
U2, London, Chutney and Abalone
Yes, yet another entry about a dream I had, this one was last night. First, I need to give some background from a previous dream. I was at the Pittsburgh U2 concert (this October), hanging out afterwards with some fellow fans hoping to see the lads walk out for an impromptu meet and greet (usually they just hop in their SUVs and are whisked away). I was, for reasons I still don't know, standing with my back to the area where U2 would actually be walking and I see this squirrelly looking guy who gave me the creeps. I then see him take out a gun and instead of doing the sensible thing (screaming, diving to the ground, calling 911 on my cell, etc.) I lunge at him as he raises it and aims it towards where the lads had just appeared, yelling "He's got a gun! Everyone get down!! Gun!!!" I manage to knock the guy down but get myself shot three times in the chest (I first had this dream Months ago so it's not at all "influenced" by the Fayetteville Realtor that was shot three times as she went to meet a new client.) and knocked out as I hit my head on the pavement. U2's bodyguards had protected the lads (Thank Goodness!!) and summoned the police at the same time. I woke up at the hospital a week or so later to a rather haggard looking Bono and The Edge looking down on me.
Apparently I was big news as the media was spinning the story as "The woman who risked her life to save U2". Took some months for me to rehabilitate and in that time, I became an even bigger story because I wasn't pissed or angry about what had happened. I was a novelty. Anyway, I had reluctantly agreed to do some talk shows, news shows, etc. to get the media off my back and earn some cash to pay the bills. So that's the background, now last night's dream...
I was on my way to London to do some shows there and had contacted my friend Chutney (his online name from years ago, not his real name) to see if we could meet up at some point. I've known him since fall of 1999 and have never met him (I've only been to Paris, Rome and some Italian city on the Mediterranean - never England) and figured now would be a great time to do so. I wake up in the back seat of my folks' old red GMC Jimmy (they no longer own it), wrapped up in a blanket, parked in a no parking zone. Apparently I had driven myself to Chutney's place but have no memory of the airport or driving there. I open the door (back right door, if you're curious) to the bright sunny day and see lots of people walking about and instantly pick out my friend (I've only seen a picture of him once and that was some time ago and he had a hat on.. I think. It's not too clear in my memory). Anyway, he's wearing - please don't be mad at me Chutney!! I have no control over my imagination in dreams!!! - this white tank top style baggy t-shirt and these baggy navy blue basketball style shorts, white athletic socks and running shoes. He's sorta got this gangsta walk and has seriously curly red hair. He sorta shuffles over to me and says "That you, Meow?" I said yeah and he takes the keys so that he can park my car legally. Though he had to pause a minute because it's an American car and the steering wheel is on the Correct side of the vehicle *grin*. I ask him if he can drive it okay like that and he just gives me this "Oh please! I'm a man, I can do anything!" look. Ladies, you know what I mean. He parks it fine and we set off to explore the city.
We go to this mall and walk around and I comment that I didn't realize that there were malls in London like there are in the States. He shrugs. I add that it is rather small compared to most malls in the US and then we're somehow back at the airport terminal, wandering around. He says that he has to do/get something and goes over to stand in this line. I wander around some and come back to find the line even longer and everything else shutting down for the night. Still not sure what he was standing in line for, something electronic is all I remember. I then sort of blip myself back to his flat/house.. Well, I'm outside it actually sort of lounging in this odd cement thing that is under all the windows on the one side of this building. I have no idea what it is other than really comfortable and I take a nap. Chutney comes back and we go to the beach.
At the beach he finds this really pretty abalone shell (it looks Nothing like the mussel should but it's an abalone shell in my dream nonetheless). Chutney makes me a bracelet from it.. It's very pretty with blues, greens, aqua, red and silver on it. Sahid from the show Lost is there and he proceeds to start sawing a different abalone shell to make me a bracelet. I look down at my wrist and notice that the abalone bracelet is more triangular shaped than round and that it is sorta splitting in places, forming new openings - not breaking. I take it off and put it back on so that it'll rest better on my wrist and notice that my wrist and hand is turning blue and green, swelling and has angry red scratch marks on it. I take off the bracelet, Chutney shoves my hand in the water and tries to rub the color off but only some of it leaves. Then I'm at the hospital getting treated for abalone poisoning and can hear Sahid laughing in the background. I wake with the song lyrics "The reason that I'm asking yeah eyeah eyeaaahhhh That's the reason that I want to know ...yeaahh eyeah eyeaaahhhhh" running through my head. Just google'd and found out the song is In The Blood by Better Than Ezra.
Okay Freaky Wild Alert! I had this dream last night (Tuesday night), wrote this blog entry up at 9.30 this morning but didn't post it until this evening so that I'd keep my phone line open (was expecting a call). I received an email from my friend Chutney this afternoon. I hadn't talked to him in Months! So how cool is it that he emails me the day after I have a dream about him? Ya freaked now, Chutney me boy? *grin*
Apparently I was big news as the media was spinning the story as "The woman who risked her life to save U2". Took some months for me to rehabilitate and in that time, I became an even bigger story because I wasn't pissed or angry about what had happened. I was a novelty. Anyway, I had reluctantly agreed to do some talk shows, news shows, etc. to get the media off my back and earn some cash to pay the bills. So that's the background, now last night's dream...
I was on my way to London to do some shows there and had contacted my friend Chutney (his online name from years ago, not his real name) to see if we could meet up at some point. I've known him since fall of 1999 and have never met him (I've only been to Paris, Rome and some Italian city on the Mediterranean - never England) and figured now would be a great time to do so. I wake up in the back seat of my folks' old red GMC Jimmy (they no longer own it), wrapped up in a blanket, parked in a no parking zone. Apparently I had driven myself to Chutney's place but have no memory of the airport or driving there. I open the door (back right door, if you're curious) to the bright sunny day and see lots of people walking about and instantly pick out my friend (I've only seen a picture of him once and that was some time ago and he had a hat on.. I think. It's not too clear in my memory). Anyway, he's wearing - please don't be mad at me Chutney!! I have no control over my imagination in dreams!!! - this white tank top style baggy t-shirt and these baggy navy blue basketball style shorts, white athletic socks and running shoes. He's sorta got this gangsta walk and has seriously curly red hair. He sorta shuffles over to me and says "That you, Meow?" I said yeah and he takes the keys so that he can park my car legally. Though he had to pause a minute because it's an American car and the steering wheel is on the Correct side of the vehicle *grin*. I ask him if he can drive it okay like that and he just gives me this "Oh please! I'm a man, I can do anything!" look. Ladies, you know what I mean. He parks it fine and we set off to explore the city.
We go to this mall and walk around and I comment that I didn't realize that there were malls in London like there are in the States. He shrugs. I add that it is rather small compared to most malls in the US and then we're somehow back at the airport terminal, wandering around. He says that he has to do/get something and goes over to stand in this line. I wander around some and come back to find the line even longer and everything else shutting down for the night. Still not sure what he was standing in line for, something electronic is all I remember. I then sort of blip myself back to his flat/house.. Well, I'm outside it actually sort of lounging in this odd cement thing that is under all the windows on the one side of this building. I have no idea what it is other than really comfortable and I take a nap. Chutney comes back and we go to the beach.
At the beach he finds this really pretty abalone shell (it looks Nothing like the mussel should but it's an abalone shell in my dream nonetheless). Chutney makes me a bracelet from it.. It's very pretty with blues, greens, aqua, red and silver on it. Sahid from the show Lost is there and he proceeds to start sawing a different abalone shell to make me a bracelet. I look down at my wrist and notice that the abalone bracelet is more triangular shaped than round and that it is sorta splitting in places, forming new openings - not breaking. I take it off and put it back on so that it'll rest better on my wrist and notice that my wrist and hand is turning blue and green, swelling and has angry red scratch marks on it. I take off the bracelet, Chutney shoves my hand in the water and tries to rub the color off but only some of it leaves. Then I'm at the hospital getting treated for abalone poisoning and can hear Sahid laughing in the background. I wake with the song lyrics "The reason that I'm asking yeah eyeah eyeaaahhhh That's the reason that I want to know ...yeaahh eyeah eyeaaahhhhh" running through my head. Just google'd and found out the song is In The Blood by Better Than Ezra.
Okay Freaky Wild Alert! I had this dream last night (Tuesday night), wrote this blog entry up at 9.30 this morning but didn't post it until this evening so that I'd keep my phone line open (was expecting a call). I received an email from my friend Chutney this afternoon. I hadn't talked to him in Months! So how cool is it that he emails me the day after I have a dream about him? Ya freaked now, Chutney me boy? *grin*
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To be honest I am most freaked by the idea of the gangsta walk, ginger afro and awful clothing!!!
Did you know that is was a Northern Lights 13 year anniversary last Monday? that could explain some kind of cerebral random trigger for the coincidence!
Did you know that is was a Northern Lights 13 year anniversary last Monday? that could explain some kind of cerebral random trigger for the coincidence!
Oh! And might I add that you can't spell 'colour'! (In retaliation for the thing about which side of the car a steering wheel should be on!)
Colour me embarassed fur my horrible spelling! ;) Thanks fur the laughs boyo!!! At least I didn't have you getting something out of the trunk of the car instead of the boot. Not that a GMC Jimmy has a trunk... Umm hmm my mind has blanked out on any other "English" words. Oh!!! I know!
Piffle! rot! bugger! There we go. *grin*
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Piffle! rot! bugger! There we go. *grin*
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