This that and the other thing. Though there might be more of this than that. And little of the other things. Maybe.

Saturday, June 04, 2005

Ugh Ugh Ugh

This past week I haven't been receiving my emails at my main account. I did the obedient customer route and emailed customer support. I asked them to send their reply to another account to insure that I received it. They didn't. They sent it to my account with them. How logical is that??? "Gee, let's send an email to someone who isn't receiving them! That sounds like a Great idea!"

Bright side is that their response actually showed up in my inbox. Granted they didn't fix the problem. They first need me to "verify who I am" by going into a live chat session and handing over my password. I don't think so. Why the heck would they need my password? Sounds squirrely to me. Tho, apparently, I'm getting some email now (no way to know if I'm getting all of it) but the emails from earlier this week are still MIA.

Get this, the following sentence was also included in their response: "We understand that you are your lost emails in Web Mail" Huh? I'm my own lost email? What does that mean??? Or was that some psycho babble directed to my laptop? If that's the case, then I can honestly say that we're both confused.

I also received a customer response survey email asking me to go to this web page and indicate my satisfaction level to their response. Needless to say, they didn't get high marks. They also had this "other comment" box which kept cutting me off so that I was unable to fully express myself. If I hadn't included this particular email on several resumes and job applications, I'd probably cancel my account with them.

And to think I had originally planned to ramble about my recent hair cut issues with this blog title entry. I'll give you the short (like my hair) version. I wanted to get about seven or eight inches cut off and ended up with twelve inches scattered about on the floor. A foot of hair gone and it wasn't even donated to Locks of Love. They require a ten inch minimum and the longest pieces were about nine inches. Took my 'stylist' awhile to get my hair cut straight. Should've known that when she whacked off more than I wanted gone in the first cut, that it wasn't going to be pretty.

I haven't had my hair this short since elementary school. I don't like it. It won't stay back in a pony tail and I Still had to trim my bangs to make them straight!!! At least my hair grows fast. :)

And now I have the tune "Always look on the bright side of life" *whistle here* from Monty Python running through my head. Which is a good philosophy and a much better tune than the one running rampant in my dreams lately (see earlier entry).
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