This that and the other thing. Though there might be more of this than that. And little of the other things. Maybe.

Friday, July 08, 2005

Dunkin' Donuts, Guns and Stairways

I've gotten Dunkin Donuts coffee four times this week, three times it was horrid! First time EVER that I've gotten crappy DD coffee. I think it must be the location or the people or both. Maybe it's the fumes from the metro that waft up and soak into the coffee filter, beans, cups, ice, etc.

Speaking of the metro, I have not seen any guards armed with machine guns or with dogs on the metro - except on TV. Apparently the metro stops that I use aren't considered high profile enough to warrant such attention.. Or mayhap I just missed the 'inspections' in my travels. The dogs and powerful weapons would be the result of the bombings in London. All mass transit systems are at Code Orange for the next couple of days. The guards at my building were more vigilent yesterday but back to normal today. I do see armed guards everday at the metro and in my building, but they just carry hand guns nothing automatic.

Speaking of my building, I managed to fall down a half flight of stairs on my way to get lunch yesterday. This was after I smashed my thumb with a stapler that morning and ran over my toe with a chair before leaving my apartment (was barefoot and unable to "vent" my pain loudy as it was 5.15 in the morning and my neighbors were still slumbering). Stairs are of the cement and metal variety and quite sturdy ( you know bomb proof, fire proof, head hitting the stair chip proof, etc.). Thankfully I didn't hit my head or my back, just my leg and derrier. Yes, I have lovely bruises and it hurts to sit down and I was not wearing heels, I had on sneakers. (Stop laughing Toph!!)

So, yes, if yall haven't figured it out by now, I can be a bit of a clutz. There goes my image of being all graceful and surefooted. ;)
*rofl* Image of you wearing heals! *rofl* Is that better?? ok. I'll stop laughing. Sorry to hear about your fall and it's a good thing you didn't hurt your back again.
Ouchie! Your day sounds pretty painful. Hopefully that is a one day thing.
Funny, I figured you'd laugh at the falling on the stair aspect, not thinking of me wearing heels. But whatever floats your boat.. ;)
No, falling down the stairs or other similar activities, are par for the course, isn't it?? ;)
Hey!!! I resemble that remark!! ;)
At least she wears girlie clothes like skirts and stuff! And I've seen her in heels ... well ... more-or-less shoes with pretty big heels ... not spikey ones ... but they were still heely ...
Well the skirts are limited to symphony concerts and weddings. Yep, that's pretty much it.
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