About Me
- Name: U2Lorax
- Location: RDU, NC, United States
U2 fan, Caniac, idealist, dreamer, environmentalist, BTVS addict, hockey nut, computer impaired coffeeholic. Did I mention U2 fan? :)

Music Links
- Am. Coalition for Ethanol
- Blue Voice
- Debt.AIDS.Trade.Africa
- DOE E85 Info
- E85 Fuel
- Earth Day Network
- Earth Policy Institute
- Earth Trends
- Ecology
- Environmental Defense
- Greenpeace
- Live 8
- Make Poverty History
- Music Rising
- Ocean Conservancy
- One Campaign
- Pew Clmate Center
- Save the Sea Turtle
- Save the World's Oceans
- Seaweb
- Sherman's Lagoon
- Sierra Club
- Solar Electric Light Fund
- Space Weather
Environment Links
- Blogfish - Fish, Oceans and Conservation
- Canes Country
- Deep Sea News
- Crime & Mystery Muse Needed
- Marine Conservation Blog
- Music Rising Blog
- One Campaign
- RED blog
Blog Links
- Mystery Writers Assoc.
Writing Links
- May 2005
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- May 2012
This that and the other thing. Though there might be more of this than that. And little of the other things. Maybe.
Monday, July 11, 2005
So I was having issues on Friday with my formatting on here being all squirrelly. I applied the "fix" as directed in the Blogger Buzz/Help/News or whatever it's called section and that seemed to work..for OS' other than XP. I had my brother on the phone (if I can't do any work at work, why should he? I mean he IS my tech support, after all) and had him fiddle about some and neither of us could get it to format properly for XP. So I sent off a help request/"I have a boo boo on my blog" request and got a standard "We can't read all the emails at once, try the following for help, etc etc etc". I didn't bother to read the links because the email before that was from my bro saying "it looks fine with Mozilla".
I just checked my page(yes with XP) and the formatting is back to normal... Soooo either what my bro and I did on Friday just took some time to work or the blogger folks fixed it. I want to give a big thanks to my brother, the blogger folks and the mysterious PTB (powers that be) on the WWW for getting my squirrelly page to be less bad-squirrelly. Or something. ;)
I just checked my page(yes with XP) and the formatting is back to normal... Soooo either what my bro and I did on Friday just took some time to work or the blogger folks fixed it. I want to give a big thanks to my brother, the blogger folks and the mysterious PTB (powers that be) on the WWW for getting my squirrelly page to be less bad-squirrelly. Or something. ;)