This that and the other thing. Though there might be more of this than that. And little of the other things. Maybe.

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Mutant Crickets

I know several of you have heard my ...vocalizations about the mutant crickets in my apartment, some have even seen a medium sized dead one, but I feel the need to let Everyone know about them.

They're brown, big, quiet, have lighter brown markings and creep me out. I swear to whatever diety you worship that they had to have mated with spiders cause they have eight legs!! Closest cricket I can come up with (thank you google) is the Camel Cricket, commonly called the Cave Cricket. I've posted a photo for you at the end of this entry. I may or may not leave it up cause it just creeps me out to look at it and the ones in my apartment don't look nearly so ...nice.

There's no mention of the camel cricket having eight legs either, which lends creedance to my theory that the crickets I've seen (and beaten to death with a curtain rod*^) are the descendants of a successful cricket and spider mating session (most likely a brown recluse - because of the brown on brown markings and my paranoia level *grin*).

*I used a curtain rod because the crickets jump too fast to smash them with a shoe - not that I would ever use a shoe as the crickets are big and, well, juicey, and the resulting sound and mess would make me ill not to mention that I'd have to get Close to the thing before I could effectively use the shoe.

^I first dropped a trash bag over the cricket before using the curtain rod. Sadly, the cricket was on one of my favorite t-shirts at the time. I don't know that I can ever wear it again, knowing that it had mutant cricket guts on it. Yes, yes all you mother types out there. It wouldn't have been on my shirt if my shirt hadn't been on the floor. But then I'd have cricket guts on my carpet and that would just be so gross.

Okay, removed the cricket photo, was creeping me out too much. Feel like I was tempting the Gods(esses) by having it on here, since I haven't seen any crickets *knocks on wood* for a couple days now. Here's a link to see a
photo of a Cave/Camel Cricket should yall feel the urge to take a look-see.
so did you use your head as wood - when you "knocked on wood"?
I think I know what you need for protection ... it has four legs, a tail, and purrs.
Yeah, that'd be a great anti-cricket defense. Well, depending. Must dig up the "Cricket Wars" story/email from a few years back...
I used to have these little things in the basement of a former home. They freaked me completely out until I realized they weren't in any way spiders. can't STAND spiders!
I didn't know what they were, but they did look mutated. I called them "spikets."
Be careful, they are extremely friendly. They are drawn to humans for some reason, and if you look at their little eyes they start to seem like puppies.
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