This that and the other thing. Though there might be more of this than that. And little of the other things. Maybe.

Wednesday, July 27, 2005


As of Saturday afternoon, I have a new roommate. I haven't had one in about two years now. I'm not expecting any major issues, no fighting over the tv remote (I only get 1.5 channels so there wouldn't be much of a fight, regardless) or the thermostat, no bickering on what's for dinner. Only issue so far is the amount of food eaten and how often. I swear my roomie would eat all day long, if I didn't control his food. It's kinda hard for him to get access to his food, he has to have a special kind and I've put it well out of his reach. I'm not sure he could open the container, even if he could reach it.. Fins aren't very useful when it comes to opening packages. Did I mention that my new roomie is a male betta (aka Siamese Fighting Fish)?

I haven't decided on his name just yet.. I do know that it'll be Sir something Gluttony.. I was thinking Alfred, Alfonso, Alexander but I'm not sure. His nickname is Starvin Marvin though and sometimes Little Piggie.

The middle of his fins are mostly white with some faint reddish markings, the outer edges of his fins and his body are emerald, sapphire, turquoise and some hints of gold. He's very handsome and I'm sure he knows it as he hasn't bothered to flare his fins at me. The arrogant sot! ;) If I knew where my digital camera was, I'd post a photo of him. Maybe this weekend.
OO, OO! I vote for Alfred....I love that name! It's so British
hahahaha, oh my, the things that were running through my head before I got to the revelation!
Another great "A" name is Abercrombe, in case you're still looking. But I second renee for Alfred. Great strong name, that.
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