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- Name: U2Lorax
- Location: RDU, NC, United States
U2 fan, Caniac, idealist, dreamer, environmentalist, BTVS addict, hockey nut, computer impaired coffeeholic. Did I mention U2 fan? :)

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This that and the other thing. Though there might be more of this than that. And little of the other things. Maybe.
Tuesday, August 30, 2005
As several of the peeps who read my blog know, I'm not fond of spiders. That's putting it lightly, of course. The words/phrases terrified, horrified, creeped out, scared sh!tless would also describe my feelings most eloquently. To say that I'm an arachnophobiac would be quite true. Having said that, I am much better at dealing with them. However, I'm not at the point where I can squish them on my shirt with my fingers whilst driving *coughElimscough*.
Last night, after finishing a book, I looked up at the ceiling (was lying on my bed) and saw this spot where the wall meets the ceiling by my window. My first thought was "Oh crap! Mutant crickets are back!" but then I studied it a bit more (while my heart rate slowed down from the MC scare) and realized it was jut a little spider (I can't believe I wrote "just a little spider" and meant it!). I grabbed my Marvin the Martian shaped plastic sippy cup (acquired at an amusement park some years ago), stood on my bed and attempted to squish it. Unfortunately, Marvin's oh so sexy curves *wink* prevented the squishing. I had to resort to using a Hard Rock Cafe box (used to have a souvenir glass in it - not sure where the glass went) and smooshed the bugger. The whole time I wasn't freaking out, hyperventilating or swearing under my breath. Shoot I didn't even have a speedy heartbeat. Go me!
Obviously, I still have some unpacking and a lot of organizing left to do *grin*
Last night, after finishing a book, I looked up at the ceiling (was lying on my bed) and saw this spot where the wall meets the ceiling by my window. My first thought was "Oh crap! Mutant crickets are back!" but then I studied it a bit more (while my heart rate slowed down from the MC scare) and realized it was jut a little spider (I can't believe I wrote "just a little spider" and meant it!). I grabbed my Marvin the Martian shaped plastic sippy cup (acquired at an amusement park some years ago), stood on my bed and attempted to squish it. Unfortunately, Marvin's oh so sexy curves *wink* prevented the squishing. I had to resort to using a Hard Rock Cafe box (used to have a souvenir glass in it - not sure where the glass went) and smooshed the bugger. The whole time I wasn't freaking out, hyperventilating or swearing under my breath. Shoot I didn't even have a speedy heartbeat. Go me!
Obviously, I still have some unpacking and a lot of organizing left to do *grin*
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Spiders I SO do not like. Last night I had a really strange kind of karmic encounter with one of the little beasties. It was one of those small and perfectly proportioned brown spiders with a round back, and it was attempting to come out of my closet via a lamentably wide crack between the door jamb and the framework. I'd seen him earlier in the day and ignored him, praying that he'd go back where he came from if I did. well...he didn't. So here he was creeping out of my closet, me looking at him and thinking "If I don't swat this thing, it could cover the distance to my bed and bite me in my sleep." Survival instinct kicked in. But when it came time to actually hit the creature, I couldn't do it. He seemed to anticipate my raising of the shoe over my head, as if he somehow knew I was going to attack him. I felt guilty for scaring him. Then I sort of scared him more, back into the dark depths of the closet (I hoped)...and I went to sleep. I haven't seen him since.
Ack! *takes deep breaths* okay, you said small. So I might could've done the same thing. I mean I had thought letting the one above my bed stay there, except for the "what if it falls on me while I sleep?" train of thought...
But yeah, it's getting harder for me to squish the small ones. The big ones, I never could squish. It was always can of raid/bathroom cleaner/spray on conditioner held at arm's length and much praying that the stream of liquid would reach the beastie from across the room. And then much praying that the spray would immobilize and kill quickly. I mean, I didn't want the spiders to suffer!
My rule is - if it's inside my nome, then it must die (or be relocated) if it's outside, then it can survive. My two exceptions being if it hampers my entrance/exit because its web is strung across the doorway. Or if it's flaunting itself on a window.
But yeah, it's getting harder for me to squish the small ones. The big ones, I never could squish. It was always can of raid/bathroom cleaner/spray on conditioner held at arm's length and much praying that the stream of liquid would reach the beastie from across the room. And then much praying that the spray would immobilize and kill quickly. I mean, I didn't want the spiders to suffer!
My rule is - if it's inside my nome, then it must die (or be relocated) if it's outside, then it can survive. My two exceptions being if it hampers my entrance/exit because its web is strung across the doorway. Or if it's flaunting itself on a window.
I didnt MEAN to squish it on my shirt with my fingers while I was driving! I panicked!
You should see the neat upside-down spider pics I got the night of ghost-hunting tho ... eep! I had my arm resting on this iron fence, so I could make sure the picture I was taking wouldnt be blurry ... I didnt know there was a big spider right in front of me until the flash from the camera went off (it was very dark out). I think every hair on my head stood on end when all of the sudden, I saw it thru my view-finder thing as I was taking a random picture of the cemetary. I'll send you the picture, if you want ...... (hehehehehehehe... yeah, right.)
You should see the neat upside-down spider pics I got the night of ghost-hunting tho ... eep! I had my arm resting on this iron fence, so I could make sure the picture I was taking wouldnt be blurry ... I didnt know there was a big spider right in front of me until the flash from the camera went off (it was very dark out). I think every hair on my head stood on end when all of the sudden, I saw it thru my view-finder thing as I was taking a random picture of the cemetary. I'll send you the picture, if you want ...... (hehehehehehehe... yeah, right.)
Err umm thanks, but no thanks E.. Any other ghostie picks would be cool tho. I prefer the spider free ones :)
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