This that and the other thing. Though there might be more of this than that. And little of the other things. Maybe.

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

To Drink or Not to Drink...

Today is my half day at work, meaning I get to leave at 10.30. While this is great, wonderful, fantastic! It also means that I have to drive to the metro instead of taking the free shuttle my apartment complex provides. Fine, not a problem. I drive in, park and get to the platform about two minutes before the metro arrives, Yay me! However, I get to my stop at 6.03. I don't have to be at work until 6.30. So, despite knowing better, I caved in and bought an iced vanilla coffee from Dunkin Donuts. Yeah, the one that has served me more crappy coffee than good. They upheld their tradition this morning. *sigh*

I've just been having bad drink karma this week. Monday night I managed to spill a glass of diet Canada Dry Cranberry Ginger Ale on my 'coffee table' and carpet. Beige carpet bright reddish pink drink, yeah that doesn't stand out or anything. Tuesday afternoon, I knocked a pillow off the couch whilst reading and it somehow managed to bounce up off the floor and topple over my can of Caffiene Free Diet Pepsi which was sitting on my 'coffee table'. So now my 'coffee table' has Canada Dry and Pepsi stains on it.

Maybe the bad drink karma is because both drinks were caffieneless? I save my high test (Diet Cherry Vanilla Dr. Pepper and Diet Mountain Dew) for work to combat the flourescent lights and slow time passage. And the DD coffee is just stupidity on my part, I know their coffee blows at this location but I bought it anyway. All to save two bucks. I should've just hoofed it on down to Starbucks and gotten an espresso frappacino. After all, I had plenty of time. Signed in at the guard's desk at 6.17 this morning.

FYI my coffee table consists of a piece of well-worn particle board lying on top of my Christmas tree box. It works great as a table and enables me to store my tree without using up any closet space.
Bad drink karma, alright. Sorry to hear about this, especially your "coffee table." Maybe you angered the caffeine pantheon so badly that they appointed a special crew of minions to knock over all your tasty beverages. Go back to the Diet Dew!!!! Repent, thou scurvy decaf heathen! ;)
Mayhap that's it. Have a venti espresso frapp from St*arb&cks.. hoping the caffiene will help me function and appease the great god of coffee beans
I think it's time for a few rounds of Margaritas, to put the world back in balance ...
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