About Me
- Name: U2Lorax
- Location: RDU, NC, United States
U2 fan, Caniac, idealist, dreamer, environmentalist, BTVS addict, hockey nut, computer impaired coffeeholic. Did I mention U2 fan? :)

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This that and the other thing. Though there might be more of this than that. And little of the other things. Maybe.
Tuesday, August 23, 2005
We Are Family...
This past weekend was spent at a family reunion up in Ohio. I saw a lot of family that I hadn't seen in years and some cousins that I had never met before (all were four years old or younger). I would've seen more family had the festivities not been moved to an aunt's house where several dogs and a cat or two reside. My allergies weren't up to handling that and my newphew (JT) hasn't been exposed to dog dander as yet as allergies run rampant in my family. Brother and sis-in-law are trying to keep him away from excessive dust, dirt, pet dander, fur, etc so as not to tempt the allergy genes from expressing themselves.
My trip started with my getting to the airport four hours early. See, my boss okayed my coming into work late on Monday (yesterday) and by doing so, enabled me to not have to park at the airport. My apartment complex provides a shuttle from the complex to a metro stop, which I utilize most every work day. I went from work to the airport via the Metro and shivered my way through the 4.5 hour wait until I could board my plane. I promptly shivered my way on the flight from VA to OH.
My sis-in-law was waiting for me inside the airport as my brother was in the truck entertaining JT. I got in the back so that Toph (bro) and Frulequet (sis in law) could talk without having to yell from front to back and so I could spend some time with JT. JT had other ideas. Apparently he was fine until I got in and shut the door as he started crying then and didn't really stop until about five minutes from my parent's house. It's a twenty to thirty minute drive, not really sure, just know that it felt long because of JT crying. Man I felt bad. Poor guy was tired and then there's this stranger next to him when he can hear his mom and dad but can't see them. Tho he did have an iron grip on my finger for about half the trip, so I guess I wasn't too overly repulsive. *grin*
JT easily pulls himself up to a standing position and can walk around holding onto things (couch, coffee table, someone's fingers, etc.) and is a crawling master. He's toothless but has been showing all the signs of teething for awhile now so his pearly whites should be popping out anytime now. I tried several times to upload some images but they all come out distorted. :( This was the best I could do.
My trip started with my getting to the airport four hours early. See, my boss okayed my coming into work late on Monday (yesterday) and by doing so, enabled me to not have to park at the airport. My apartment complex provides a shuttle from the complex to a metro stop, which I utilize most every work day. I went from work to the airport via the Metro and shivered my way through the 4.5 hour wait until I could board my plane. I promptly shivered my way on the flight from VA to OH.
My sis-in-law was waiting for me inside the airport as my brother was in the truck entertaining JT. I got in the back so that Toph (bro) and Frulequet (sis in law) could talk without having to yell from front to back and so I could spend some time with JT. JT had other ideas. Apparently he was fine until I got in and shut the door as he started crying then and didn't really stop until about five minutes from my parent's house. It's a twenty to thirty minute drive, not really sure, just know that it felt long because of JT crying. Man I felt bad. Poor guy was tired and then there's this stranger next to him when he can hear his mom and dad but can't see them. Tho he did have an iron grip on my finger for about half the trip, so I guess I wasn't too overly repulsive. *grin*
JT easily pulls himself up to a standing position and can walk around holding onto things (couch, coffee table, someone's fingers, etc.) and is a crawling master. He's toothless but has been showing all the signs of teething for awhile now so his pearly whites should be popping out anytime now. I tried several times to upload some images but they all come out distorted. :( This was the best I could do.