This that and the other thing. Though there might be more of this than that. And little of the other things. Maybe.

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Carpet buffer, revisited

I went out to get St@rb^cks this morning as the coffee in the office and at D^nk!n D*n^ts still taste wretched. (such a dramatic word - Wretched.) And after having a vanilla latte at Donna's (cafe/bistro place in Columbia, MD) I'm even more of a coffee snob because the latte at Donna's was the best I've ever had. But I digress.

I had just rounded the corner of my building when I see him. The carpet buffer flirty guy sweeping up cigarette butts. I mentally cringe and brace myself (I know, bad of me, but I can't help it. The guy completely invaded my space the last time) as I get closer to him. I then make sure that I do not look his way, do not even act like I know someone is there. The basic snobbish, cleaning people are below my realm of existence, stare into the distance look. Out of the corner of my eye I see him stop sweeping, sorta lean on the handle of the dustpan and give me this big, goofy grin and wink at me.

Apparently, pretending I don't see him isn't a deterrent.
Have you tried saying something like, "I like to keep interactions professional at work…I feel flirting is inappropriate in the workplace" (which you might not, but you're trying to get him off your back) or just plain told him that he's making you uncomfortable? Guys tend to be…ah…clueless about subtle body language. And I read that about 90% of sexual harassers would stop their behavior if they realized it was making the other person uncomfortable. Which goes back to the whole "guys are clueless about subtle signals" thing. You could also relay a message to him through his supervisor, but that's more Plan B if Plan A doesn't work.

Just something to think about.
Umm I'd need a translator as I don't speak Spanish and he doesn't speak English. Otherwise he'd have known flat out that I'm not interested. You invade my space (as he did earlier) and you hear about it. :)
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