This that and the other thing. Though there might be more of this than that. And little of the other things. Maybe.

Friday, September 09, 2005

Squirrelly Flirtations

Friend commented to me yesterday, that maybe my morning trials (water in cereal, almost salt in coffee) was because I was in love. So I thought I'd review some of the more ...illuminating interactions I've had lately.

Hmm let's see, the cable guy? err NO. I'm sorry I have this ...issue where if you have black gunk under your finger nails (and aren't a mechanic, gardener, repair guy, etc), one or more teeth replaced with "gold" and can't look at anything without leering that there's no way I'd ever date you. I know, I know, my standards are too high. What can I say?

Carpet buffer (yes buffer! why the hell do you buff carpet???) guy here at work who flirts with me outrageously despite not speaking English and my not speaking Spanish? Winks and grins and laughs and smiles and loiters around and touches my arm, my hand, my shoulder, etc. Yet another standard of mine - we have to be able to communicate without a translator. Oh and do not invade my personal bubble, damnit! Ask any of my friends, my personal bubble is HUGE. Apparently it's a pisces thing. So sorry, creepy carpet guy but so not interested.

The lesbian that hit on me in the bathroom? No. Sorry, not gay. I gotta tell yall, that was by Far the most uncomfortable I've been. I've had women hit on me before and not had this reaction. Just really freaking weird to be hit on in the bathroom. I was there cleaning out my plastic bowl (had oatmeal) and coffee mug. This was over a week ago.

"Nice mug. I really like the blue stripe. And it's Big. Great for coffee and other" squirrelly pause here "...liquids. Oh wow your eyes are really pretty." She steps closer to look at them better - again do Not invade my bubble people! "that's a really gorgeous shade of brown. I bet you get that a lot" sound of toilet flushing "but I really mean it." Hello! They're brown! Not hazel or green or grey. Brown! It goes on from there. I think the encounter is permanently etched on my brain.

Mehtinks it's just lack of sleep on my part and that damned cable! Unless of course you count Edge then your 'in love' theory is totally legit! *grin* Or maybe Chef Tyler Florence...(sorry C!)
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Egads! I forgot Michael! MV! I'm so sorry! You know I adore you! and Riley too!!
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