About Me
- Name: U2Lorax
- Location: RDU, NC, United States
U2 fan, Caniac, idealist, dreamer, environmentalist, BTVS addict, hockey nut, computer impaired coffeeholic. Did I mention U2 fan? :)

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Thursday, September 29, 2005
Top 10 Re-vamp
I'm such a pitiful journal/blog reader! Malora set this challenge for me back in August after I tagged her to list her Top 10 non-sexual Turn Offs/Ons.
List your top 10 real turn ons and turn offs. Just the stuff that makes you feel all warm and tingly…or cold and weirded out.
Here's mine, in no particular order of importance:
Top 10 Turn Ons
1. Smell of coffee
2. Edge's guitar playing (Especially at the end of One - the live version, RTSS* - Zoo TV tour version, and Miracle Drug)
3. Bono singing (Especially RTSS*, Stay, Ultraviolet, and Bad)
4. U2 concerts
5. Standing on a beach with the water lapping my toes and the wind in my hair
6. Chocolate fondue
7. Getting flowers
8. Receiving cards for no reason
9. Curling up in front of a fire (or candle) on a cool night
10. Wrapping up in blankets and cuddling with someone special
Top 10 Turn Offs
1. Someone who creates differnet messneger IDs because you blocked him and/or hunts up an alternate email address because you blocked him at the one he knew
2. People throwing away items instead of recycling them
3. People driving three blocks to the store to buy a pack of cigarettes (or anything else that is easily carried)
4. Cigarette smoke! (sorry Rach)
5. People slurping their food, scraping out yogurt cartons, talking with food in their mouth.. basic lack of table manners.
6. Friends who are "just teasing" about things that aren't a teasing matter (random freak stalking you, for example)
7. People typing 'r' instead of 'are', 'y' instead of 'why', 'u' instead of 'you', etc.
8. The boss clipping his nails (almost weekly!!) at work
9. Cramps
10. Being bored
*For those non-U2 peeps, RTSS = Running To Stand Still. Song five on Joshua Tree album. That would be the song after Bullet the Blue Sky.
List your top 10 real turn ons and turn offs. Just the stuff that makes you feel all warm and tingly…or cold and weirded out.
Here's mine, in no particular order of importance:
Top 10 Turn Ons
1. Smell of coffee
2. Edge's guitar playing (Especially at the end of One - the live version, RTSS* - Zoo TV tour version, and Miracle Drug)
3. Bono singing (Especially RTSS*, Stay, Ultraviolet, and Bad)
4. U2 concerts
5. Standing on a beach with the water lapping my toes and the wind in my hair
6. Chocolate fondue
7. Getting flowers
8. Receiving cards for no reason
9. Curling up in front of a fire (or candle) on a cool night
10. Wrapping up in blankets and cuddling with someone special
Top 10 Turn Offs
1. Someone who creates differnet messneger IDs because you blocked him and/or hunts up an alternate email address because you blocked him at the one he knew
2. People throwing away items instead of recycling them
3. People driving three blocks to the store to buy a pack of cigarettes (or anything else that is easily carried)
4. Cigarette smoke! (sorry Rach)
5. People slurping their food, scraping out yogurt cartons, talking with food in their mouth.. basic lack of table manners.
6. Friends who are "just teasing" about things that aren't a teasing matter (random freak stalking you, for example)
7. People typing 'r' instead of 'are', 'y' instead of 'why', 'u' instead of 'you', etc.
8. The boss clipping his nails (almost weekly!!) at work
9. Cramps
10. Being bored
*For those non-U2 peeps, RTSS = Running To Stand Still. Song five on Joshua Tree album. That would be the song after Bullet the Blue Sky.
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Well, well, well...
I finally grace the pages of the Squirrelly blog on the net and it's a crack regarding my predeliction towards nicotine. Hmmmmmmm...
My Top 10 Turn Ons (do they have to be non-sexual?)
1. Opening sounds of Edge's guitar in WTSHNN- gives me chills everytime, esp. in concert.
2. Anywhere that I can hear the sound of the ocean.
3. Driving at night with the windows down, the sunroof open, and music blaring.
4. Writing something that I'm proud to claim as my own.
5. Going to a music concert and hearing a great live performance.
6. Talking to people who know as much about music as me and are equally passionate.
7. Seagram's 7-Diet Pepsi and endless hours with my MP3 player.
8. Fall- Being able to leave the windows open all the time at my apt.
9. The way psuedo's voice changes when he recognizes it's me on the phone. It gets a little bit deeper and I can always tell he's smiling.
10. coffee and nicotine (sorry, LM)
Top 10 Turn-Offs
1. Rude people. I live in the South- we make being polite an art form.
2. People that drive the speed limit in the fast lane.
3. People who schedule their lives around television programming (TV is evil).
4. People who expect me to be on-time.
5. People who talk incessantly and say absolutely nothing.
6. Republicans
7. Mayonnaise
8. People who don't was their hands or never have a towel for you to use in their bathrooms.
9. Dirty fingernails
10. People with blogs. (Note: I was trying to post a comment and I accidentally created my own blog)
I finally grace the pages of the Squirrelly blog on the net and it's a crack regarding my predeliction towards nicotine. Hmmmmmmm...
My Top 10 Turn Ons (do they have to be non-sexual?)
1. Opening sounds of Edge's guitar in WTSHNN- gives me chills everytime, esp. in concert.
2. Anywhere that I can hear the sound of the ocean.
3. Driving at night with the windows down, the sunroof open, and music blaring.
4. Writing something that I'm proud to claim as my own.
5. Going to a music concert and hearing a great live performance.
6. Talking to people who know as much about music as me and are equally passionate.
7. Seagram's 7-Diet Pepsi and endless hours with my MP3 player.
8. Fall- Being able to leave the windows open all the time at my apt.
9. The way psuedo's voice changes when he recognizes it's me on the phone. It gets a little bit deeper and I can always tell he's smiling.
10. coffee and nicotine (sorry, LM)
Top 10 Turn-Offs
1. Rude people. I live in the South- we make being polite an art form.
2. People that drive the speed limit in the fast lane.
3. People who schedule their lives around television programming (TV is evil).
4. People who expect me to be on-time.
5. People who talk incessantly and say absolutely nothing.
6. Republicans
7. Mayonnaise
8. People who don't was their hands or never have a towel for you to use in their bathrooms.
9. Dirty fingernails
10. People with blogs. (Note: I was trying to post a comment and I accidentally created my own blog)
Hey now!!! What about people who post comments ON blogs? Hmm?? Err wait. I don't want to turn you on (no offense, sweetie but you're just not my type) so I guess we're cool. ;)
Thanks for responding! Whenever I tag people, I assume they'll never get around to it, so it's all good! :)
"8. The boss clipping his nails (almost weekly!!) at work"
"3. People who schedule their lives around television programming (TV is evil)."
Ruh-oh, I don't think we'd get along! (And I even used a TV reference in this comment! I'm eeeeeevil!)
Then again, I use the VCR instead of running home to watch TV…so maybe not that evil.
"8. People who don't was their hands or never have a towel for you to use in their bathrooms."
I hate that! Or just bad is when the only towel in the bathroom is the bath towel hanging over the shower curtain rod! Like I really want to wipe my hands on the same thing you used to dry your ass! Blech! (Even worse--one guy who did this also kept the only soap in the bathroom in the shower stall. So I had to either lean over the bathtub to get it or go without. Hygiene, people!)
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"8. The boss clipping his nails (almost weekly!!) at work"
"3. People who schedule their lives around television programming (TV is evil)."
Ruh-oh, I don't think we'd get along! (And I even used a TV reference in this comment! I'm eeeeeevil!)
Then again, I use the VCR instead of running home to watch TV…so maybe not that evil.
"8. People who don't was their hands or never have a towel for you to use in their bathrooms."
I hate that! Or just bad is when the only towel in the bathroom is the bath towel hanging over the shower curtain rod! Like I really want to wipe my hands on the same thing you used to dry your ass! Blech! (Even worse--one guy who did this also kept the only soap in the bathroom in the shower stall. So I had to either lean over the bathtub to get it or go without. Hygiene, people!)
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