About Me
- Name: U2Lorax
- Location: RDU, NC, United States
U2 fan, Caniac, idealist, dreamer, environmentalist, BTVS addict, hockey nut, computer impaired coffeeholic. Did I mention U2 fan? :)

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This that and the other thing. Though there might be more of this than that. And little of the other things. Maybe.
Monday, October 24, 2005
Concert Hangover
That's what, according to a coworker, I have. A concert hangover. Headache, fatigue, bad headache, no attention span, did I mention headache? It's all good though. I'd do it all over again. Well, maybe not the changing of dirty diapers ;)
Pittsburgh Vertigo
Mellon Arena or as I experienced it - the Land of Rude People. We were not at a football game folks! There was no need to drink excessive quantities of beer, chow down on hot dogs and peanuts or to wear your Steelers jerseys! You were at a concert and not just any concert, a U2 concert!!!! Get with the program! And to the jacka$$ yelling "Play Something!" while Bono was talking about the One Campaign and his united efforts to end poverty and halt the AIDS crisis I have two words for you! (Thank you Larry Mullen, Jr!) and then this rat b*st*rd had the NERVE to shout "Play something GOOD!" after One was over. Did he not just hear Edge on the guitar? Bono crooning? Was he deaf and blind as well as dumb?!!! Oy freaking vey!!!
But enough of the negative. Show was great, tho the accoustics weren't as good as the DC shows despite Mellon Arena being smaller (or so I'm told). I was on Edge's side, lower section. Fantastic seat!! Especially for moi as I adore the Edge beyond all reason (sorry Bono, Adam and Larry. I love yall too! But there's just something about The Edge and his guitar....)

Okay and his singing too :) No, I didn't take this photo, not sure who did. It was posted in the Edge forum at U2.com by MadD. Thanks to whoever took it!
I guess the highlight would have to be hearing Party Girl. Bono and Edge were at the end of the ellipse singing Stuck In A Moment You Can't Get Out Of and Bono was looking at the crowd and had lyrics issues. He looks over to The Edge and says something to the effect of "Wait wait, back up. Let me get this right" and they finish the song. Then Bono walks over to Edge and says something to him, Edge nods and Bono turns back to the crowd and says "Where's that guy with the Party Girl sign?" A fan had a big sign that said 'Me + guitar = Party Girl".
The guy comes forward and hops onto stage, to which Bono says "Woah he's a big guy." The guy was a good foot taller than B-man (at least, from my perspective). Bono gets the guy's name, "Everybody this is Big Al. Dallas we need a guitar for Big Al." Much cheering. "Dallas Schoo, ladies and genteleman, guitar guru" (something like that anyway) much louder cheering and they hike it back up the far side of the ellipse.
Edge had signaled for Dallas to bring a guitar out, so Dallas is coming down one side of the ellipse as Bono and Big Al head up the other side, so then Edge and Dallas start walking back up. They get back to the main stage, Al gets to play one of Edge's guitars and they rock on to Party Girl. It was great! Towards the end of the song, a crew guy brings out a bottle of champagne that Bono shakes up and opens, spewing champagne all over the people in the bomb shelter and onto Big Al and Edge's guitar. Bono takes a drink and offers it to Big Al, couldn't see if he took a drink or not though.
I'll hopefully get my pictures squared away tonight or tomorrow at the latest. Maybe if I can get a certain computery person *coughTcough* to help, I'll just set up a photo page and yall can watch a slide show of them. Not sure if my Photoshop skills are that good though.
Oh, for those who didn't know.. I drove to my brother's place Friday after work (only a half day, mind you) and baby sat my nephew (he'll be 1 this Friday!!!) Saturday morning while his mom and dad were taking a CPR course. It was my first time alone with JT. My first time changing a diaper, which I did four times - two of them weren't the best smelling. My second time feeding him (and third and fourth). It was a lot of fun and not nearly as terrifying as I thought it would be. A great way to spend the day before driving to Pittsburgh in the rain for the show.
I got back to my brother's place, after the show, about 3.30 Sunday morning. Got up about 10.30, left around 11.30 and drove back to my place. Got home about 5.45, talked to the folks and my brother and then went to bed about 6.30 or 7. Got up at 5.30 this morning. Think I may just crash again when I get home.
Pittsburgh Vertigo
Mellon Arena or as I experienced it - the Land of Rude People. We were not at a football game folks! There was no need to drink excessive quantities of beer, chow down on hot dogs and peanuts or to wear your Steelers jerseys! You were at a concert and not just any concert, a U2 concert!!!! Get with the program! And to the jacka$$ yelling "Play Something!" while Bono was talking about the One Campaign and his united efforts to end poverty and halt the AIDS crisis I have two words for you! (Thank you Larry Mullen, Jr!) and then this rat b*st*rd had the NERVE to shout "Play something GOOD!" after One was over. Did he not just hear Edge on the guitar? Bono crooning? Was he deaf and blind as well as dumb?!!! Oy freaking vey!!!
But enough of the negative. Show was great, tho the accoustics weren't as good as the DC shows despite Mellon Arena being smaller (or so I'm told). I was on Edge's side, lower section. Fantastic seat!! Especially for moi as I adore the Edge beyond all reason (sorry Bono, Adam and Larry. I love yall too! But there's just something about The Edge and his guitar....)

Okay and his singing too :) No, I didn't take this photo, not sure who did. It was posted in the Edge forum at U2.com by MadD. Thanks to whoever took it!
I guess the highlight would have to be hearing Party Girl. Bono and Edge were at the end of the ellipse singing Stuck In A Moment You Can't Get Out Of and Bono was looking at the crowd and had lyrics issues. He looks over to The Edge and says something to the effect of "Wait wait, back up. Let me get this right" and they finish the song. Then Bono walks over to Edge and says something to him, Edge nods and Bono turns back to the crowd and says "Where's that guy with the Party Girl sign?" A fan had a big sign that said 'Me + guitar = Party Girl".
The guy comes forward and hops onto stage, to which Bono says "Woah he's a big guy." The guy was a good foot taller than B-man (at least, from my perspective). Bono gets the guy's name, "Everybody this is Big Al. Dallas we need a guitar for Big Al." Much cheering. "Dallas Schoo, ladies and genteleman, guitar guru" (something like that anyway) much louder cheering and they hike it back up the far side of the ellipse.
Edge had signaled for Dallas to bring a guitar out, so Dallas is coming down one side of the ellipse as Bono and Big Al head up the other side, so then Edge and Dallas start walking back up. They get back to the main stage, Al gets to play one of Edge's guitars and they rock on to Party Girl. It was great! Towards the end of the song, a crew guy brings out a bottle of champagne that Bono shakes up and opens, spewing champagne all over the people in the bomb shelter and onto Big Al and Edge's guitar. Bono takes a drink and offers it to Big Al, couldn't see if he took a drink or not though.
I'll hopefully get my pictures squared away tonight or tomorrow at the latest. Maybe if I can get a certain computery person *coughTcough* to help, I'll just set up a photo page and yall can watch a slide show of them. Not sure if my Photoshop skills are that good though.
Oh, for those who didn't know.. I drove to my brother's place Friday after work (only a half day, mind you) and baby sat my nephew (he'll be 1 this Friday!!!) Saturday morning while his mom and dad were taking a CPR course. It was my first time alone with JT. My first time changing a diaper, which I did four times - two of them weren't the best smelling. My second time feeding him (and third and fourth). It was a lot of fun and not nearly as terrifying as I thought it would be. A great way to spend the day before driving to Pittsburgh in the rain for the show.
I got back to my brother's place, after the show, about 3.30 Sunday morning. Got up about 10.30, left around 11.30 and drove back to my place. Got home about 5.45, talked to the folks and my brother and then went to bed about 6.30 or 7. Got up at 5.30 this morning. Think I may just crash again when I get home.