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- Name: U2Lorax
- Location: RDU, NC, United States
U2 fan, Caniac, idealist, dreamer, environmentalist, BTVS addict, hockey nut, computer impaired coffeeholic. Did I mention U2 fan? :)

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This that and the other thing. Though there might be more of this than that. And little of the other things. Maybe.
Sunday, October 16, 2005
Sunday Bloody Sunday
Well it is Sunday and I did just finish watching Bat 21 on the History Channel, so it is kinda bloody. Mainly, I associate Sunday Bloody Sunday with U2's song of the same name, about Bloody Sunday January 30, 1972 where British soldiers killed 13 civilans who were peacefully protesting the new British Internment (jailing without trial) law.
For more info, try these sites.
Remembering Bloody Sunday
Official Bloody Sunday Inquiry Site
On the bright side, a friend of mine was born on that date. Although he is misguided in his cheering for the New Jersey Devils last night instead of the Carolina Hurricanes. Maybe the events that happened on his birth date have tweaked his personality more than anyone realizes ;)
For more info, try these sites.
Remembering Bloody Sunday
Official Bloody Sunday Inquiry Site
On the bright side, a friend of mine was born on that date. Although he is misguided in his cheering for the New Jersey Devils last night instead of the Carolina Hurricanes. Maybe the events that happened on his birth date have tweaked his personality more than anyone realizes ;)
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I never could decide between Sunday Bloody Sunday and New Year's Day for my all time favorite U2 song. Back in the mid 1980s when I was just getting into it, I had a recording of this U2 concert at some place called Red Rocks, and I remember Bono coming out very militantly with this non-militant white flag when they did this song. Talk about powerful.
"...Some place called Red Rocks..."
Red Rocks, Colorado is one of the pretties places to have a concert or anything similar.
A few webpages...
Images of Colorado
Red Rocks Online
Red Rocks, Colorado is one of the pretties places to have a concert or anything similar.
A few webpages...
Images of Colorado
Red Rocks Online
There's also the DVD
U2: Live at Red Rocks
which covers both U2 and Red Rocks :)
And kudos to me for remembering how to do the HTML code for a link without having to call someone *coughTcough*
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U2: Live at Red Rocks
which covers both U2 and Red Rocks :)
And kudos to me for remembering how to do the HTML code for a link without having to call someone *coughTcough*
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