About Me
- Name: U2Lorax
- Location: RDU, NC, United States
U2 fan, Caniac, idealist, dreamer, environmentalist, BTVS addict, hockey nut, computer impaired coffeeholic. Did I mention U2 fan? :)

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This that and the other thing. Though there might be more of this than that. And little of the other things. Maybe.
Thursday, October 27, 2005
Topsy Turvy
So I haven't blathered on about work in awhile. Here's the latest. I now have two jobs, work on two teams and still get the one paycheck. I have four (may be five soon) supervisors, one boss and one pseudo boss. Have I mentioned that I haven't started my second job yet? Was supposed to be Monday but, in reality, it could be more like Thanksgiving time before everything is all set up, software installed, etc (this is the federal government afterall).
The company outcast, the person everyone here despises (I've only met her once so haven't formed any opinions other than she doesn't like to let go of your hand when she's giving a handshake - which iritated me. Let go already!!), is going to be moving up to my floor, to the cube desk next to me. See, she already does what I'm going to be doing (and that's all she does) and has been for years now. It makes perfect sense to have her nearby so I can question her - a coworker - instead of one of my newest supervisors with all the questions I'm bound to have.
Needless to say my cellmates are less than thrilled with this idea. Then when they heard who is in charge of this project (the newest supervisor), they were even less thrilled and full of pity for me. Not a good sign.
Tuesday afternoon (after my current supervisor had left) one of my new supervisors and the pseudo boss showed up and were discussing the desk next to me. Taking measurements, commenting on the pros and cons. Pseudo boss asked who I was, I told him, and his reply was, "Have we met before?" I managed not to roll my eyes as I said, "Yes at least three times now, this would be the fourth or fifth time." Not that he was even listening to me but I needed to say that much.
Anyway they keep talking and my cellmates and I get the impression that they're not discussing the desk for my new trainer but for pseudo boss. I can safely say that all of our skins started to crawl. I talked to my current supervisor (the one who is actually in the same room as me) Wed morning and told him what we had overheard. He paled and said he hadn't heard anything but that he'd check into it. We haven't heard anything about it, which is typically a bad thing. On the plus side for my cellmates, it appears that my future trainer (the social piranha) might not be moving up here after all. It apparently costs upwards of $200 for people to switch desks (I have no idea why) and the people who would pay for this (some division of the government agency) is bankrupt and cannot afford the move. Yeah, hearing that gave me a sense of security about the federal government too.
Some scenarios..
1. Group/room arrangement stays as it is and I have to walk downstairs every time I have a question for the first couple of weeks. After that I could prolly just phone in my questions.
2. Social outcast moves up and into the desk next to mine, causing great tension in the room but allowing me to learn my new job much faster and easier.
3. Social outcast AND pseudo boss move into the room (we have three empty desks at the moment) and moral crashes to an unheard of low and people start deserting the company faster than one can say "Arugula!"
Have I confused yall yet? If not yall are more clearheaded than I because everything is in chaos and company moral is soooooo low. Nobody much cares about anything. After all, commodities don't have feelings.
The company outcast, the person everyone here despises (I've only met her once so haven't formed any opinions other than she doesn't like to let go of your hand when she's giving a handshake - which iritated me. Let go already!!), is going to be moving up to my floor, to the cube desk next to me. See, she already does what I'm going to be doing (and that's all she does) and has been for years now. It makes perfect sense to have her nearby so I can question her - a coworker - instead of one of my newest supervisors with all the questions I'm bound to have.
Needless to say my cellmates are less than thrilled with this idea. Then when they heard who is in charge of this project (the newest supervisor), they were even less thrilled and full of pity for me. Not a good sign.
Tuesday afternoon (after my current supervisor had left) one of my new supervisors and the pseudo boss showed up and were discussing the desk next to me. Taking measurements, commenting on the pros and cons. Pseudo boss asked who I was, I told him, and his reply was, "Have we met before?" I managed not to roll my eyes as I said, "Yes at least three times now, this would be the fourth or fifth time." Not that he was even listening to me but I needed to say that much.
Anyway they keep talking and my cellmates and I get the impression that they're not discussing the desk for my new trainer but for pseudo boss. I can safely say that all of our skins started to crawl. I talked to my current supervisor (the one who is actually in the same room as me) Wed morning and told him what we had overheard. He paled and said he hadn't heard anything but that he'd check into it. We haven't heard anything about it, which is typically a bad thing. On the plus side for my cellmates, it appears that my future trainer (the social piranha) might not be moving up here after all. It apparently costs upwards of $200 for people to switch desks (I have no idea why) and the people who would pay for this (some division of the government agency) is bankrupt and cannot afford the move. Yeah, hearing that gave me a sense of security about the federal government too.
Some scenarios..
1. Group/room arrangement stays as it is and I have to walk downstairs every time I have a question for the first couple of weeks. After that I could prolly just phone in my questions.
2. Social outcast moves up and into the desk next to mine, causing great tension in the room but allowing me to learn my new job much faster and easier.
3. Social outcast AND pseudo boss move into the room (we have three empty desks at the moment) and moral crashes to an unheard of low and people start deserting the company faster than one can say "Arugula!"
Have I confused yall yet? If not yall are more clearheaded than I because everything is in chaos and company moral is soooooo low. Nobody much cares about anything. After all, commodities don't have feelings.
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Oh dear. You're in a real Dilbert aren't you? Sounds like a dismal situation.
During my own brief stint in government work, near the end of my five year career, I started getting "promotions" (extra jobs, same money, but thankfully no more bosses.) I didn't have the stamina for that sort of work, so I broke out of my cell when no one was looking and ran for wherever. *smile*
I do envy you if you are the sort of person who can hang. Best of luck.
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During my own brief stint in government work, near the end of my five year career, I started getting "promotions" (extra jobs, same money, but thankfully no more bosses.) I didn't have the stamina for that sort of work, so I broke out of my cell when no one was looking and ran for wherever. *smile*
I do envy you if you are the sort of person who can hang. Best of luck.
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