About Me
- Name: U2Lorax
- Location: RDU, NC, United States
U2 fan, Caniac, idealist, dreamer, environmentalist, BTVS addict, hockey nut, computer impaired coffeeholic. Did I mention U2 fan? :)

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This that and the other thing. Though there might be more of this than that. And little of the other things. Maybe.
Tuesday, October 18, 2005
U2: Rattle and Hum
I saw Rattle and Hum on the big screen tonight. It was AMAZING!!!! Sure I own the DVD and have seen it before but there's nothing like a wall size Edge screaming on the guitar or Bono singing his heart out. Wow. Adam grooving on the bass or Larry wailing on the drums. Just kick ass!!!
I wish I had known about the AFI Silver Theatre in Silver Spring, Maryland playing Rattle and Hum yesterday! I'd have gone to that showing too! :)
And the ..interesting and eclectic people I encountered on the metro were entertaining (and some rather creepy) in and of themselves. I was texting a couple of people and talked to my dad three or four times and another friend once, not to mention a variety of voicemail messages I left for people. So I was just covering bases, making sure lots of folks knew where I was - just in case. Hey, it's how I was raised. I called my dad when I got home to let him know I had made it safely and thereby he could sleep better. And then I talked to my friend TC (of the notorious birthday) for awhile about hockey and U2 - you know, the important things in life *grin*
I'm so glad I went! Despite the nightmare of a drive to the metro station (hello rush hour traffic!) and then the hordes of people at the assorted stations I had to transfer trains at (again, Hello rush hour traffic!) and the nearly hour long metro ride to get to the theatre. So worth it!!
Oh, hey, MWB - I saw you and NFFBB! And you were so much bigger! ;)
I wish I had known about the AFI Silver Theatre in Silver Spring, Maryland playing Rattle and Hum yesterday! I'd have gone to that showing too! :)
And the ..interesting and eclectic people I encountered on the metro were entertaining (and some rather creepy) in and of themselves. I was texting a couple of people and talked to my dad three or four times and another friend once, not to mention a variety of voicemail messages I left for people. So I was just covering bases, making sure lots of folks knew where I was - just in case. Hey, it's how I was raised. I called my dad when I got home to let him know I had made it safely and thereby he could sleep better. And then I talked to my friend TC (of the notorious birthday) for awhile about hockey and U2 - you know, the important things in life *grin*
I'm so glad I went! Despite the nightmare of a drive to the metro station (hello rush hour traffic!) and then the hordes of people at the assorted stations I had to transfer trains at (again, Hello rush hour traffic!) and the nearly hour long metro ride to get to the theatre. So worth it!!
Oh, hey, MWB - I saw you and NFFBB! And you were so much bigger! ;)