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- Name: U2Lorax
- Location: RDU, NC, United States
U2 fan, Caniac, idealist, dreamer, environmentalist, BTVS addict, hockey nut, computer impaired coffeeholic. Did I mention U2 fan? :)

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Wednesday, October 05, 2005
Underwater Bathrooms In Space
Last night I was fortunate to finally be able to listen in on one of the Zootopian Live Broadcast Chats. This is where a Zootopian (member of U2's official website) goes to a concert and calls another Zootopian via cell phone. The Zootopian at home then puts the call on speakerphone and we all listen in via Yahoo Messenger Live Chat. There were something like 53 of us listening in last night to the Boston II show (II being the second night in Boston on this leg of the Vertigo Tour).
I wasn't really sure what to expect. I mean it is a cell phone signal emanating from inside an arena with thousands of screaming fans being bounced from Boston to California and then back to Virgina over the internet to me. People were comparing the sound to being underwater (moments of high static), to being from outerspace (lots of sawy sounds - take a hand saw and manipulate the blade -> sawy sounds) and in a bathroom (kind of echoy). At times I'd say it sounded like all three 'effects' were in play.
Taking all that into consideration the show was AMAZING!!!! I had goosebumps, I had tears in my eyes and I know that the big grin never left my face once during the show! It truly shows how phenomenal this group really is. I can't think of another band that can have it's fans crying and shivering and bouncing around when they sound like they're playing in an underwater bathroom in space.
Thank you Zootopian Broadcast Army!! And my eternal thanks to U2.
I wasn't really sure what to expect. I mean it is a cell phone signal emanating from inside an arena with thousands of screaming fans being bounced from Boston to California and then back to Virgina over the internet to me. People were comparing the sound to being underwater (moments of high static), to being from outerspace (lots of sawy sounds - take a hand saw and manipulate the blade -> sawy sounds) and in a bathroom (kind of echoy). At times I'd say it sounded like all three 'effects' were in play.
Taking all that into consideration the show was AMAZING!!!! I had goosebumps, I had tears in my eyes and I know that the big grin never left my face once during the show! It truly shows how phenomenal this group really is. I can't think of another band that can have it's fans crying and shivering and bouncing around when they sound like they're playing in an underwater bathroom in space.
Thank you Zootopian Broadcast Army!! And my eternal thanks to U2.
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Cool. Glad you got to hear the show. I've got to get in one at some point. TC called me during the first song and I got to hear COBL.
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