This that and the other thing. Though there might be more of this than that. And little of the other things. Maybe.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Word Verification

As some may notice, I've enabled the word verifcation feature in the comments section. Hopefully this will cut down on the number of spam posts I get. Please don't let this annoying extra step keep you from commenting. Yes, I'm talking to you, T!
I hate that stuff!!! Fricken TicketB*st*rd.
Yeah! I noticed how somebody got you in that NaNoWriMo post. This should cut down on that.

These be dark days indeed when no blog is safe from the adverts.
Funny stuff T, as that's what tm is referred to in the U2 world. Had to double check that you were the T that I thought you were. Can't call you TC because that's what I call someone else. Maybe KH? Think Vermont(?), ski trip, ice patch, tree. Figure out KH? *grin*
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