This that and the other thing. Though there might be more of this than that. And little of the other things. Maybe.

Monday, October 03, 2005

Yet another Meeting/Contract/Work update

First, a reminder..

MC = Main Company - people who are bidding out the work to be done
Company B = company where I work now
Company C = company that won contract from my company

My work contract was extended (kinda) to Oct 31. Yet it's the new contract
because I have to file a timesheet with Company C as well as my company. A contract has not been signed between companies B and C. No clue if a contract has been signed between MC and Company C.

T - new proj manager from Company C - will be coming around to "get to know us and what we do". He'll ask questions on how to do stuff. Company B doesn't want us to answer for fear of not getting the contract signed and Company C hiring us outright. Company B can sorta tell us Not to answer because of confidentiality issues but then again, T does have clearance to know the answers to the questions. It's all very hazy. J (my actual boss and the one who interviewed me) told us to answer the questions T asks and to train him as we would anyone else. Sooooo that's what we're going to do.

There is to be a meeting between all Company B employees working on this contract (27 total), Company B home office and Company C head guys sometime in the future. Company C wanted to have it today but M (head guy at Company B) couldn't make it and nobody else at Company B wanted to step in his place. Company B does NOT want us meeting with Company C without Company B head folks being there.

It mostly sounds like Company B wants us to be loyal to them despite no guarantee of raises and no bonuses. Which doesn't impact me at all since I'm currently not eligible for either.

The way things were left today, after an informal meeting with just the Company B contract employees, is that we'll all have jobs through September 2006. Whether it'll be with Company B or directly with Company C, is unknown.
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