About Me
- Name: U2Lorax
- Location: RDU, NC, United States
U2 fan, Caniac, idealist, dreamer, environmentalist, BTVS addict, hockey nut, computer impaired coffeeholic. Did I mention U2 fan? :)

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This that and the other thing. Though there might be more of this than that. And little of the other things. Maybe.
Wednesday, November 09, 2005
Hodge Podge
Last couple of days have been ones where I just want to bang my head on the wall. Stupid USAirways web site. I was booking a ticket to Ohio for the U2 show in Cleveland and the web page f'd up and told me that it couldn't continue and for me to restart the booking process. I did. Got an email confirmation and apparently now have two seats, under my name, on the same flight. Called web support, told them what happened and after 30+ mins (at least 20 spent on hold) I was informed that I couldn't get a refund, only a credit, and that I had to pay a cancellation fee. EXCUSE ME??? I've put a dispute on the charge with my credit card company so we'll see how it goes.
New coworker randomly whispers stuff or nearly shouts stuff to me instead of talking normally. She also appears to have a problem with turning her desk light on and will stare at it and make faces. Maybe she thinks she'll scare it on? Biggest issue is that she claims to be a "big U2 fan" but she pronounces Bono as Bono (think Sonny Bono) instead of Bono. *slapface*
There's a brand spanking new webpage for any Tyler Florence fans out there. Has photos, bulletin board and videos. I think it's been up for all of three or four days.
Have a farewell lunch for a coworker today. I had wanted to drive today so that I could leave immediately after the lunch but could not find my remote entry car alarm keylobe thingie. I just had it! Was out and about on Monday running errands. Sad thing is I had to spend a good 30 or 45 minutes looking for it on Monday. The lobe is busted where it attaches to a key ring. There's no plastic or metal ring to attach it to anything, I have to carry it separate. Hence all my misplacement issues. Okay, maybe not ALL of the issues. I'm sure the atomic bomb testing zone that I call my apartment might have something to do with it.
I've written just about 4,900 words for my NaNo novel. For those of you counting, yes I'm waaaaaaay behind. Bite me.
So that's my hodge podge entry for the day.
New coworker randomly whispers stuff or nearly shouts stuff to me instead of talking normally. She also appears to have a problem with turning her desk light on and will stare at it and make faces. Maybe she thinks she'll scare it on? Biggest issue is that she claims to be a "big U2 fan" but she pronounces Bono as Bono (think Sonny Bono) instead of Bono. *slapface*
There's a brand spanking new webpage for any Tyler Florence fans out there. Has photos, bulletin board and videos. I think it's been up for all of three or four days.
Have a farewell lunch for a coworker today. I had wanted to drive today so that I could leave immediately after the lunch but could not find my remote entry car alarm keylobe thingie. I just had it! Was out and about on Monday running errands. Sad thing is I had to spend a good 30 or 45 minutes looking for it on Monday. The lobe is busted where it attaches to a key ring. There's no plastic or metal ring to attach it to anything, I have to carry it separate. Hence all my misplacement issues. Okay, maybe not ALL of the issues. I'm sure the atomic bomb testing zone that I call my apartment might have something to do with it.
I've written just about 4,900 words for my NaNo novel. For those of you counting, yes I'm waaaaaaay behind. Bite me.
So that's my hodge podge entry for the day.