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- Name: U2Lorax
- Location: RDU, NC, United States
U2 fan, Caniac, idealist, dreamer, environmentalist, BTVS addict, hockey nut, computer impaired coffeeholic. Did I mention U2 fan? :)

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This that and the other thing. Though there might be more of this than that. And little of the other things. Maybe.
Saturday, November 12, 2005
Red Tape Extravaganza
Sorry I didn't post this earlier, I had Friday off as it's a federal holiday (Veteran's Day). So it's after 1.30 Sat morning and despite needing to clean as a friend is driving down tomorrow evening, I'm catching up on blog reading and emails and the like.
Right, the red tape. I'm fairly sure that no matter how I explain this, some people will just be confused and that's okay. The whole situation is so pitifully stupid that you Should be confused!
Some background to maybe help clarify some things. I work for company B who is a subcontractor to Company C who is a contractor to MC (agency of the federal gov't). Yes I use fake names to keep my anonymity and so I won't get my butt sued by any of these companies.
Company C is invoking this "strict communications program". Meaning that my coworkers and I cannot speak with any employee of MC directly. Company C is utterly clueless in what we do. We *need* to speak with MC folks on a daily basis. Several times a day, in fact. But we're now supposed to tell our direct supervisors what we need to talk with the MC employee about, our supervisors will pass this onto our boss who passes this on to Company C's onsite manager who then speaks with the MC employee.
Did I mention that Company C's onsite manager is clueles about what we do? That he will have no idea what we're talking about, let alone what he's supposed to ask the MC peeps. By the time the request gets to him, I'm sure it'll be all screwed up anyway. Oh and he's not even in the building every day. We have a limited time to get this work done and it's late sometimes as it is because the MC peeps take awhile to get back to us - and that's with us talking to them directly! I can only imagine how inefficient this will become. Oy vey Mama!
So that's my rant of the day. At least I have a four day weekend (have Monday off). And I get to see Dar Williams on Monday night with friends. WOOHOOO!! :)
Right, the red tape. I'm fairly sure that no matter how I explain this, some people will just be confused and that's okay. The whole situation is so pitifully stupid that you Should be confused!
Some background to maybe help clarify some things. I work for company B who is a subcontractor to Company C who is a contractor to MC (agency of the federal gov't). Yes I use fake names to keep my anonymity and so I won't get my butt sued by any of these companies.
Company C is invoking this "strict communications program". Meaning that my coworkers and I cannot speak with any employee of MC directly. Company C is utterly clueless in what we do. We *need* to speak with MC folks on a daily basis. Several times a day, in fact. But we're now supposed to tell our direct supervisors what we need to talk with the MC employee about, our supervisors will pass this onto our boss who passes this on to Company C's onsite manager who then speaks with the MC employee.
Did I mention that Company C's onsite manager is clueles about what we do? That he will have no idea what we're talking about, let alone what he's supposed to ask the MC peeps. By the time the request gets to him, I'm sure it'll be all screwed up anyway. Oh and he's not even in the building every day. We have a limited time to get this work done and it's late sometimes as it is because the MC peeps take awhile to get back to us - and that's with us talking to them directly! I can only imagine how inefficient this will become. Oy vey Mama!
So that's my rant of the day. At least I have a four day weekend (have Monday off). And I get to see Dar Williams on Monday night with friends. WOOHOOO!! :)
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I'm sorry ... but that's just downright hilarious. All of the contract crap. Welcome to the games.
Have a great time at Dar!!
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Have a great time at Dar!!
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