About Me
- Name: U2Lorax
- Location: RDU, NC, United States
U2 fan, Caniac, idealist, dreamer, environmentalist, BTVS addict, hockey nut, computer impaired coffeeholic. Did I mention U2 fan? :)

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This that and the other thing. Though there might be more of this than that. And little of the other things. Maybe.
Monday, November 28, 2005
Snowy Excursion
Last Tuesday evening my dad flew in (yes, his arms were tired) and Weds afternoon (round about 3) he and I left for our drive to Ohio. There was massive traffic on 495, 270 and 70. There was hazardous roads on 68, 79 and part of 70 (yes, we were on 70 twice).
A car spun out in front of us during the drive through the MD mountains on 68. They didn't end up in the ditch but had we been closer to them, we'd have been involved. Thankfully, as far as we could tell, they didn't hit any of the cars behind us. We didn't stop as we wouldn't have been able to get going again. No clue why they lost control like they did. The road wasn't any icier in that spot.
There were times we weren't sure we'd make it up the incline because our tires would just spin. Lots of icey patches and it was snowing heavily. Nowhere near blizzard conditions, mind you, but bad enough. I am oh so thankful that my dad flew in so he could drive. There is no way I'd have made it to OH if I had been driving. I didn't take over driving duties til OH. Think it was around 10.30 or 11 pm. We arrived at my folks' house about 1.30 am. Just about 10.5 hours on the road.
The drive home was smooth sailing! Worst part was the audio book on cassette. The last tape kept having issues. So we'd have to eject it, bang it about, fast forward it by hand, etc to get it to work. Plus there were a couple of plot issues not resolved. Traffic wasn't bad at all. We somehow managed to miss the rush. Woooh :) Oh yeah, drive back was just over 7 hours - the actual time it should be.
I dropped my dad off at the airport this morning. When I say dropped off I mean we rode the metro together :) Think he arrives back in OH around 9 am.
Random tidbits
- My car passed the 100,000 mile mark somewhere in MD on the way back.
- My cheesecake was a hit, tho my mom thought the raspberry sauce was too tart. I thought it was rather sweet...
- My grandfather was in a car accident. He is fine. His car is probably totaled.
- Nephew did a face plant on the hardwood floors in my folks' entryway. Poor guy has a big bruised, goose egg :(
- JT is still the cutest little guy ever - goose egg notwithstanding.
- I heard Baby Please Come Home whilst shopping at Bath and Body Works on Black Friday (for those of you not in the know, U2 sings it).
- I just heard my supervisor repeatedly refer to bluetooth technology as bluecomb.
- I got two new pairs of shoes! Woooooohoooo!! Early Christmas gifts from my folks.
- I didn't write a word for my NaNo book (which is still without a title) this weekend. I have roughly 9,000 words left before I reach the 50,000 mark.
A car spun out in front of us during the drive through the MD mountains on 68. They didn't end up in the ditch but had we been closer to them, we'd have been involved. Thankfully, as far as we could tell, they didn't hit any of the cars behind us. We didn't stop as we wouldn't have been able to get going again. No clue why they lost control like they did. The road wasn't any icier in that spot.
There were times we weren't sure we'd make it up the incline because our tires would just spin. Lots of icey patches and it was snowing heavily. Nowhere near blizzard conditions, mind you, but bad enough. I am oh so thankful that my dad flew in so he could drive. There is no way I'd have made it to OH if I had been driving. I didn't take over driving duties til OH. Think it was around 10.30 or 11 pm. We arrived at my folks' house about 1.30 am. Just about 10.5 hours on the road.
The drive home was smooth sailing! Worst part was the audio book on cassette. The last tape kept having issues. So we'd have to eject it, bang it about, fast forward it by hand, etc to get it to work. Plus there were a couple of plot issues not resolved. Traffic wasn't bad at all. We somehow managed to miss the rush. Woooh :) Oh yeah, drive back was just over 7 hours - the actual time it should be.
I dropped my dad off at the airport this morning. When I say dropped off I mean we rode the metro together :) Think he arrives back in OH around 9 am.
Random tidbits
- My car passed the 100,000 mile mark somewhere in MD on the way back.
- My cheesecake was a hit, tho my mom thought the raspberry sauce was too tart. I thought it was rather sweet...
- My grandfather was in a car accident. He is fine. His car is probably totaled.
- Nephew did a face plant on the hardwood floors in my folks' entryway. Poor guy has a big bruised, goose egg :(
- JT is still the cutest little guy ever - goose egg notwithstanding.
- I heard Baby Please Come Home whilst shopping at Bath and Body Works on Black Friday (for those of you not in the know, U2 sings it).
- I just heard my supervisor repeatedly refer to bluetooth technology as bluecomb.
- I got two new pairs of shoes! Woooooohoooo!! Early Christmas gifts from my folks.
- I didn't write a word for my NaNo book (which is still without a title) this weekend. I have roughly 9,000 words left before I reach the 50,000 mark.