About Me
- Name: U2Lorax
- Location: RDU, NC, United States
U2 fan, Caniac, idealist, dreamer, environmentalist, BTVS addict, hockey nut, computer impaired coffeeholic. Did I mention U2 fan? :)

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This that and the other thing. Though there might be more of this than that. And little of the other things. Maybe.
Tuesday, December 13, 2005
Close Encounter of the Edge Kind
Some of the following is the same info as my U2 Vertigo Cleveland entry, just more coherent. Possibly more cohesive. Definitely as giddy *grin*
I wanted to go to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame but my mom and I got
a late start (drove up from Columbus) as I had to remake my sign
(airplane was not kind to my first one). We stood at the loading dock
for 2 hours and froze our extremities off. All worth it though as Edge
showed up and autographed my sign!! He was inches from me. My brain
froze. All coherent thought evaporated. I didn't get any pictures of
him as I forgot I had my camera. Hello! The Edge! In front of me!
So he's signing something for someone a person down from me (after
autographing my sign) and all these people are shouting things Will
you sign my magazine? Will you sign my hat? Will you sign my rock?
(yes, a rock and yes, he did) Will you sign my guitar? ("I'm sorry but
I don't sign guitars.") So I open my mouth and I shout out Will you
come home with me? He laughs! I made The Edge laugh! *does giddy dance
in chair* Glad he laughed as I was a tad mortified that I had shouted
that. The brain was still not working.
Edge was out there probably 10 minutes signing all kinds of stuff
(rock, cell phone, my lame sign). Worked the entire line before he
hopped back in the SUV and went on inside.
Another black SUV pulls up and this group of people start shouting
Bono Bono Bono! I tell my mom that I don't think it's Bono as he's not
wearing a hat. People to my right confirm that it was, in fact, Larry.
Poor guy. All these people shouting for Bono. No wonder he didn't get
out. That and it was FREEZING and he has to do his PT/electrical
stimulation on his arms/back before the show. There's dedication! Guy
has to go through 2+ hours of therapy before he can perform - Every
A group of people start walking in front of the service entrance as
the other stalkers and I spy another SUV coming our way. People start
shouting and waving "Get out of the way! Move your asses! It's Bono!!"
(no way in the world you can tell that it's Bono, but the most vocal
shouters assume it is). Turns out they're right.
People start pushing and shoving and going around the security rail.
Mr. Clean (forgive me as I don't remember the real name of Bono's
bodyguard) is very cool and keeps people back. Bono is wearing his
leather jacket and cowboy hat. Signs all kinds of things. I was still
at the front of the rail but the people who went around the rail were
in front of me. So I contented myself with photos. Apparently my brain
only freezes at the site of Edge. Bono did sign the guy's guitar and
another guy's cell phone. No idea about the rock though.
Bono heads back to his SUV but stops and speaks with a little boy (7?
8? 10? I have no idea the boy's age) for a bit, gives him a hug,
ruffles his hair. One lady near me says "next time, I'm bringing a
kid!" and we laugh. Bono gets in his SUV and goes inside. The group of
stalkers disappear at an amazing rate. Out of a group of 50+ people,
there were now only six of us (counting my mom & I) waiting around for
Adam to show.
A couple minutes after Bono's exit and crowd dissipation a security
guard comes out and tells us "You can wait out here all night but
everyone is already here. Including the opening act" To which I reply
"We don't care about them!" So I ask the guard, "Adam too? We haven't
seen him come in." Guard just says "They're all in there. I swear." I
look at my mom and shrug. We head back to the car to drop off the
signs and thaw out a bit.
I wanted to go to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame but my mom and I got
a late start (drove up from Columbus) as I had to remake my sign
(airplane was not kind to my first one). We stood at the loading dock
for 2 hours and froze our extremities off. All worth it though as Edge
showed up and autographed my sign!! He was inches from me. My brain
froze. All coherent thought evaporated. I didn't get any pictures of
him as I forgot I had my camera. Hello! The Edge! In front of me!
So he's signing something for someone a person down from me (after
autographing my sign) and all these people are shouting things Will
you sign my magazine? Will you sign my hat? Will you sign my rock?
(yes, a rock and yes, he did) Will you sign my guitar? ("I'm sorry but
I don't sign guitars.") So I open my mouth and I shout out Will you
come home with me? He laughs! I made The Edge laugh! *does giddy dance
in chair* Glad he laughed as I was a tad mortified that I had shouted
that. The brain was still not working.
Edge was out there probably 10 minutes signing all kinds of stuff
(rock, cell phone, my lame sign). Worked the entire line before he
hopped back in the SUV and went on inside.
Another black SUV pulls up and this group of people start shouting
Bono Bono Bono! I tell my mom that I don't think it's Bono as he's not
wearing a hat. People to my right confirm that it was, in fact, Larry.
Poor guy. All these people shouting for Bono. No wonder he didn't get
out. That and it was FREEZING and he has to do his PT/electrical
stimulation on his arms/back before the show. There's dedication! Guy
has to go through 2+ hours of therapy before he can perform - Every
A group of people start walking in front of the service entrance as
the other stalkers and I spy another SUV coming our way. People start
shouting and waving "Get out of the way! Move your asses! It's Bono!!"
(no way in the world you can tell that it's Bono, but the most vocal
shouters assume it is). Turns out they're right.
People start pushing and shoving and going around the security rail.
Mr. Clean (forgive me as I don't remember the real name of Bono's
bodyguard) is very cool and keeps people back. Bono is wearing his
leather jacket and cowboy hat. Signs all kinds of things. I was still
at the front of the rail but the people who went around the rail were
in front of me. So I contented myself with photos. Apparently my brain
only freezes at the site of Edge. Bono did sign the guy's guitar and
another guy's cell phone. No idea about the rock though.
Bono heads back to his SUV but stops and speaks with a little boy (7?
8? 10? I have no idea the boy's age) for a bit, gives him a hug,
ruffles his hair. One lady near me says "next time, I'm bringing a
kid!" and we laugh. Bono gets in his SUV and goes inside. The group of
stalkers disappear at an amazing rate. Out of a group of 50+ people,
there were now only six of us (counting my mom & I) waiting around for
Adam to show.
A couple minutes after Bono's exit and crowd dissipation a security
guard comes out and tells us "You can wait out here all night but
everyone is already here. Including the opening act" To which I reply
"We don't care about them!" So I ask the guard, "Adam too? We haven't
seen him come in." Guard just says "They're all in there. I swear." I
look at my mom and shrug. We head back to the car to drop off the
signs and thaw out a bit.