This that and the other thing. Though there might be more of this than that. And little of the other things. Maybe.

Friday, December 30, 2005

Rare Who Roast Beast

So New Year's is this weekend. Growing up (mostly in Ohio), my family always had pork and cabbage on New Year's Day. Supposedly for health and wealth in the coming year. When living in Kansas we encountered the tradition of having black eyed peas on NYD. Living in North Carolina I was introduced to the tradition of collard greens and chitlins for the NYD feast.

I'm not a fan of peas, black eyed or otherwise. Collard greens are okay. I don't know if you could pay me to try chitlins. Their smell does nothing for me except make me extremely nauseous.

So I'm falling back on the childhood tradition of pork and cabbage. Even though I'm not a fan of pork. The texture is just ..not the best. The last couple of years I've just had a ham sandwhich and and a salad. Perhaps I haven't been having enough of the two main ingredients... so this year I'm cooking a pork loin in my crock pot (to be doused with lots of BBQ and shredded) and I have a head of red cabbage to include in my salad. Or maybe I'll make a stew and include the cabbage that way. Not sure. I'm not a fan of sauerkraut. That stuff just reeks! (sorry mom)

Yall have any suggestions?
Chitlins are disgusting and I'm thankful to have never seen or smelled them in person. Down here in the Sandhills of North Carolina, our NYD menu consists of blackeyed peas, collard greens, hoecakes, and fried fatback.

(hey, at least it's not chitlins.)
hoecakes? Haven't heard of those. Now fried fatback I have heard of but have never seen, smelled nor tasted.

I went with a pork stir fry. I'll post recipe later. :)
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