This that and the other thing. Though there might be more of this than that. And little of the other things. Maybe.

Thursday, December 15, 2005

Straying from The Edge

I hate to do this but I have some other exciting news to share. Which only enhances the feeling of sheer joy at meeting the Edge last Saturday..

I got a full refund from the airline!!!!!!! Checked with the credit card company today. Everything refunded. Nary a cancellation fee in sight! Waahoooo! :)

Although I had to call the credit card people because my card expired last month and I haven't received my new one yet. Found this out when I got a call from a store I had put in an order with online. *sigh* After a couple of hoop jumping sessions, I'm now waiting for a call back from the store to put the item on a different credit card. I won't receive the new card (with the new number *sniffle*) until next week. Much too late to get the item in time for a Christmas gift.

My mom brought me good luck to meet The Edge. Perhaps meeting The Edge brought me good luck in getting a refund? It's possible.... :)
You are no mere mortal. That is amazing! An airline giving a living human being a refund!

I think I've had too much caffeine.

(btw, I changed my blog handle and it's URL, it's now
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