This that and the other thing. Though there might be more of this than that. And little of the other things. Maybe.

Sunday, December 11, 2005

U2 Vertigo Cleveland

My mom and I stood out at the loading dock for about two hours with our signs. The one I made for her requested the song Christmas (Baby Please Come Home). The one I had requested a hug from Edge.

About 6:00, a black SUV pulls up and we could see Edge through the tinted windows sitting in the back seat, behind the driver. At first I was just in shock and then I'm sure I was screaming my head off. The SUV stopped just inside the loading dock and Edge got out and came back and started signing whatever was handed out to him. He signed some guy's cell phone and a lady brought a rock. A guy had a guitar but Edge said, "I'm sorry but I don't sign guitars." The guy with the guitar was one person over from me. I was at the railing holding my sign, too busy watching Edge and being shocked that I was mere feet away from him that I didn't get my camera out. Then he got to me and I said, "I'd love a hug but you can just sign my sign." Which he did!! I have Edge's signature!!!!

People were shouting out things.. Sign this, sign that. We love you. Can you come over here. So I said (he was signing a lady's hat right next to me) "Will you come home with me?" and he laughed! I made Edge laugh! Yay me!!! :):)

Here's my mom's sign, which she held above her head when Edge showed.

My sign with Edge's signature!!

Close up of Edge's signature

My glittery Edge with Edge's signature

I have more pics from the meet in greet when Bono showed. I didn't get to touch him this time but I was still breathing the same frigid air as he was :) I'll try and post those tomorrow, when I get back to the DC area. I also have a couple pictures from the show and a short (soundless) video. My memory car was full so I only have shots from the first two songs (City Of Blinding Lights and Vertigo).
So excited for you, G! It was a Beautiful Day!
Here's a post....since you whined to me about not posting ;)

Glad you had a good time though.
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