This that and the other thing. Though there might be more of this than that. And little of the other things. Maybe.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Cubeville Expanded

Yesterday afternoon the coworkers and myself were permitted to eyeball the new cube arrangement. See our building is moving to a new facility in late spring/early summer. Technically the building itself isn't moving, just the staff, papers, files, supplies, etc. Some other agency(ies) are the lucky souls to occupy this dusty, dingy building. I swear I've had more colds in the last seven months than I have in the last three years, but I digress (Shocking!).

So I went down to eyeball the new cube. Figured it couldn't get much worse, privacy wise, than what I already have. And I was right! The cubes have 3.5 walls! We'll be surrounded by industrial beige, fabric-y walls that are 5.5 feet tall. There are two "windows" in the cubes too, opposite from each other. It's rather bizarre and you can't particularly see through them but they're windows nonetheless. Excuse, I mean vision panels.

The cubes themselves are easily twice the size of what I use now. Has at least three times the amount of storage and the desk is twice as big. I have no idea what I'll do with all that space. Biggest issue is that 99% of it is beige. With only a few silver (metal) accents. I'll have to bring in a Bunch of color photos to cover up the Sea of Beige.

Coworkers and I were brainstorming about all the space. One guy said there's plenty of room to stretch out on the desk (or under it) in a sleeping bag and nap. So that's a handy idea to keep in mind. However, I believe the number one idea to best utilize the space, is to bring in our own mini fridges. Granted we'd have to hide the vodka from any prying eyes, but at least our food won't freeze because some idiot keeps messing with the temperature control.

**Italicized words are how things are desribed in regards to the new place. It's not a building but a facility and doors do not have windows, they have vision panels. It's rather entertaining to read any info about the new facility and makes me wonder if the author was paid by the word. Or perhaps they were instructed to Regal it up some?
You could really spruce the place up by adding a good deal of Edge-related material to the walls...
Why yes, I could. However, my productivity might take a severe nosedive from all the time spent staring and daydreaming about Edge. Rather, the increased amount of time spent staring and daydreaming about Edge since I would no longer have to Google Images Edge or logon to or stare at my yahoo and blogger avatars.
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