This that and the other thing. Though there might be more of this than that. And little of the other things. Maybe.

Monday, February 13, 2006


So yesterday I made chocolate crepes with a raspberry sauce. My first attempt at crepe making. I think I did pretty well. Sure there were a few misshapen ones (okay more than half) but nary a one hit the floor or the microwave (directly above stovetop) whilst I was flipping them. I consider that a success! And yeah okay so you can flip them with a spatula but where's the fun in that? Half the fun of making pancakes is flipping them through the air! And, I am happy to report, the same is true with crepes :)

Last evening I made spaghetti sauce. It's been ages since I made my own marinara. For whatever reason, I decided to follow - loosely - a recipe. However, I was a tad perplexed as to why the recipe called for five tablespoons (5 Tbsp) of butter. Have you ever heard of putting butter in your red sauce??? Well, I wasn't sure I'd like it and I didn't want to waste my tomatoes and meat, so I only added 1.5 Tbsps of butter. I didn't notice a difference in taste. So... again, I query, why add butter??

Why 1.5 Tbsps you ask? You think it seems like an odd amount. Easy. That was the amount remaining from my open stick of butter. :)

Also, I have realized that I have mastered one skill in the kitchen. I am the queen of this. Few in the world dare rival my expertise in this culinary area. Watch out Tyler Florence! Rachel Ray! Alton Brown! You are reading the blog of the Masterful Kitchen Mess Maker!! That's right! Bow down when you pay homage to moi!

Oh, I stopped and got a raspberry latte this morning. Mmmmm. Raspberrylicious!
You know what would complete the Raspberry trifecta? Raspberry martinis! I believe you need a Kartini!
What would that skill be? Did I just miss it or did you not say what your skill is/was? My guess would be your the best at making creative messes in the kitchen....
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