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- Name: U2Lorax
- Location: RDU, NC, United States
U2 fan, Caniac, idealist, dreamer, environmentalist, BTVS addict, hockey nut, computer impaired coffeeholic. Did I mention U2 fan? :)

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This that and the other thing. Though there might be more of this than that. And little of the other things. Maybe.
Tuesday, March 21, 2006
And The Annoyance Award Goes To.....
Don't you get annoyed with expressions like this: Spring has sprung. Sleepy summer days. Lazy hazy days of summer. Winter wonderland. Falling into fall. I could go on but then I'd just annoy myself even more. Perhaps I'm annoyed because my March Madness bracket is a total loss since both Kansas and Ohio State are out of it (yes, I had them playing each other in the final dance. I pick for sentimental reasons, not statistical). Although that's not very likely as I'm not a basketball fan.
I think my annoyance stems from people not appreciating the seasons. Or maybe I'm just annoyed with myself since I always seem to be looking forward to the Next season. It could be from working at Michael's Arts & Crafts. We'd start getting stuff for summer in December and start displaying it in March/April.
Or perhaps I'm annoyed because my family spent last week in in Florida while I was stuck at work, day after day. And have they sent me any pictures of JT frolicking in the sand and surf? Of playing in the parks? Wandering around Disney? Nope. Nary a one.
There's just so many things to be annoyed with these days. Usually I blame it on my coworkers (okay, mainly just two of them) and my job. Today I just felt like giving my cworkers a break and blaming it on somebody else :) Granted the two twerps aren't in yet, which probably got them off the hook. For this blog entry anyway.
OH, right, I nearly forgot to say, Happy Spring! Spring Hath Sprung! Spring Into Your Day! yeah, yeah, yeah. So who I have decided is the lucky winner of today's Annoyance Award? YOU are! So go out and annoy someone today!
I think my annoyance stems from people not appreciating the seasons. Or maybe I'm just annoyed with myself since I always seem to be looking forward to the Next season. It could be from working at Michael's Arts & Crafts. We'd start getting stuff for summer in December and start displaying it in March/April.
Or perhaps I'm annoyed because my family spent last week in in Florida while I was stuck at work, day after day. And have they sent me any pictures of JT frolicking in the sand and surf? Of playing in the parks? Wandering around Disney? Nope. Nary a one.
There's just so many things to be annoyed with these days. Usually I blame it on my coworkers (okay, mainly just two of them) and my job. Today I just felt like giving my cworkers a break and blaming it on somebody else :) Granted the two twerps aren't in yet, which probably got them off the hook. For this blog entry anyway.
OH, right, I nearly forgot to say, Happy Spring! Spring Hath Sprung! Spring Into Your Day! yeah, yeah, yeah. So who I have decided is the lucky winner of today's Annoyance Award? YOU are! So go out and annoy someone today!
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You are almost as impatient as JT.
Let's review what has happened since I've been back and maybe you'll understand why there aren't any pictures yet...
Didn't get home until Sunday afternoon, which then required unpacking, getting groceries, going through the mail, and other post-trip activities.
Then yesterday, made a trip down to Charleston for a Dr. appointment for JT, got back from that and had to cook dinner and play with the little guy and then 24 was on last night.
So maybe tonight I'll work on the pictures, but then again maybe I won't just to annoy you some more ;)
Think Spring
Let's review what has happened since I've been back and maybe you'll understand why there aren't any pictures yet...
Didn't get home until Sunday afternoon, which then required unpacking, getting groceries, going through the mail, and other post-trip activities.
Then yesterday, made a trip down to Charleston for a Dr. appointment for JT, got back from that and had to cook dinner and play with the little guy and then 24 was on last night.
So maybe tonight I'll work on the pictures, but then again maybe I won't just to annoy you some more ;)
Think Spring
I get annoyed with those phrases too, because they're cliché. They're phrases that were once poetic but have been overused, mainly by department stores having season sales.
Have I annoyed you yet today? Fingers crossed! ;)
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Have I annoyed you yet today? Fingers crossed! ;)
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