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- Name: U2Lorax
- Location: RDU, NC, United States
U2 fan, Caniac, idealist, dreamer, environmentalist, BTVS addict, hockey nut, computer impaired coffeeholic. Did I mention U2 fan? :)

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This that and the other thing. Though there might be more of this than that. And little of the other things. Maybe.
Friday, March 24, 2006
Beach Bum
As some of yall know my family went to Florida last week and didn't ask me to come along. Okay, okay so they probably assumed that I couldn't go which is why they didn't ask. There was a big conference down there for chemists, hence the reason two went. The other three went along for the ride. One of the tag-alongs was my nephew, JT.
I finally managed to get some photos despite it being nearly a week since they've been back. Should've asked my dad straight away as he's super cool. Anyway, instead of ranting and raving about the idiots and clueless twerps I work with (yesterday was craptacular), I'm going to my zen place. JT and the beach.
Here's one of the cutie at the beach. I know you can't see his eyes in the first one, but you can see the sand on his face. Good to know he's okay getting down and dirty. Maybe he'll be an environmentalist yet :) Shoot he learned after the first taste that sand isn't edible. That shows a lot more intelligence than some of the adults I've encountered.
I like to think that this second photo is of his No pictures, please. I'm on vacation look. Those pesky paparazzi! However, he graciously allows a photo or two to be snapped. He's a sweetie like that. And the bright pink hat shows that he's not afraid to embrace color and that he likes to support Winnie the Pooh (and Tigger too!) in all their endeavors. Good to see loyalty in one so young.
I know he's not at the beach in this photo but he's having fun. Just look at that big smile on his face! So I had to include this one. Seeing JT laughing and smiling is a great way to start the morning. Plus my dad's chicken legs are visible too. So that's amusing. Not that you should focus on his legs, look at the huge smile from the belly laugh on JT's face. That's the best part of the photo.
I finally managed to get some photos despite it being nearly a week since they've been back. Should've asked my dad straight away as he's super cool. Anyway, instead of ranting and raving about the idiots and clueless twerps I work with (yesterday was craptacular), I'm going to my zen place. JT and the beach.

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His hat isn't pink - thought it does have a pinkish cast in the picture. It is red.
I haven't posted my pictures b/c I'm just trying to annoy you some more ;)
Looks like it's working.
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I haven't posted my pictures b/c I'm just trying to annoy you some more ;)
Looks like it's working.
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