This that and the other thing. Though there might be more of this than that. And little of the other things. Maybe.

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Cookie Capers

Yesterday I did something new. Something that it hadn't ever really occurred to me to do before. I held a coworker's Girl Scout cookies hostage. He had two boxes on his desk. One opened, the other pristine. I snatched the opened box.

It started out as a joke. I was just going to see how long it took him to notice them missing. I let coworker B in on the heist and she thought of making a ransom demand. She wanted donuts, I wanted soda. So I combined them and produced this note.

Bring us donuts & soda or Creep gets the cookies

However, my greed got the better of me. As I was delivering the note to his desk, I decided to swipe the unopened box of cookies. In the process, I heard him returning and I hurriedly hid the box behind me and tried to step innocently back to my desk. But I tripped over some boxes (the size that hold reams of paper) and nosedived into my chair. Coworker said something about grace and shook his head at me. Then he saw the note on his desk and started laughing. I couldn't help myself, I just cracked up with him. He said, "Okay. You win." and laughed some more.

Before he left for the day I gave him his unopened box back. I didn't want him to think that he had to actually get donuts & soda. Then he said, "Wait a minute. Where's the other box?" I told him that he had eaten it but I don't think he believed me.

The opened box is still in my desk drawer. I'm trying to determine which would be the best way to screw with his mind. Put it in his desk drawer, so he thinks he put it there. Put it on his desk. Leave it in my desk. Decisions. Decisions.

For those inquiring minds, cookies were/are All Abouts. They taste like the Keebler Fudge Stripe cookies (the circular ones with the hole in the middle).
and you know this sampled them?
Yes. Well not this box. Coworker has had multiple boxes the last couple of weeks. He offered us all one (each) to try last week. However, I restrained myself from sampling any of the hostages.

And, this morning I went ahead and replaced the box and then hijacked his bag of Jolly Ranchers.

I told coworker B what I did and she and I had a chuckle over it and then taunted the other guy with it for about an hour. "There any blueberry flavored hard candy?" "Cherry is good, but kinda sweet." "Blueberries are kinda like grapes and they have grape hard candy." etc.

Alas, he knew the whole time. "G, I'm not stupid." We laughed our patooties off though. Good times.
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