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- Name: U2Lorax
- Location: RDU, NC, United States
U2 fan, Caniac, idealist, dreamer, environmentalist, BTVS addict, hockey nut, computer impaired coffeeholic. Did I mention U2 fan? :)

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This that and the other thing. Though there might be more of this than that. And little of the other things. Maybe.
Thursday, March 09, 2006
Post Birthday Report
I realize that I forgot to tell yall about my birthday. Some I have told on the phone, in IM or in emails. Others haven't even asked. Love yall too.
Turning 30 wasn't so bad. Perhaps it's because of the theory my sis-in-law and I developed. Any birthday celebrated without a cake and candles, does not count. Therefore I am 27 as the last three years I have had neither cake, nor candles on my birthday. I've had cake around my birthday but none had candles so they weren't, technically, a birthday cake. This year only my coworker sang to me, so it's more like I'm 26.5.. Although, last year several friends and restaurant people sang to me so I guess that makes up for this year, thusly returning me to age 27.

My best gift, you ask? Well it wasn't something I unwrapped or expected. And it's not something tangible I can hold in my hands but it's definitely something I'll treasure for years to come. Several voluntary hugs from my nephew And he blew me a kiss.
Seriously, what could possibly be better than that?
Turning 30 wasn't so bad. Perhaps it's because of the theory my sis-in-law and I developed. Any birthday celebrated without a cake and candles, does not count. Therefore I am 27 as the last three years I have had neither cake, nor candles on my birthday. I've had cake around my birthday but none had candles so they weren't, technically, a birthday cake. This year only my coworker sang to me, so it's more like I'm 26.5.. Although, last year several friends and restaurant people sang to me so I guess that makes up for this year, thusly returning me to age 27.

My best gift, you ask? Well it wasn't something I unwrapped or expected. And it's not something tangible I can hold in my hands but it's definitely something I'll treasure for years to come. Several voluntary hugs from my nephew And he blew me a kiss.
Seriously, what could possibly be better than that?
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I asked about yer bday, you didnt answer! Called you on the day of, too, but you didnt answer! *PHBBBT* d;)
Yeah your voicemail was ...something.
"Happy Birthday! You're now old!!"
Could feeeeeel the love. ;)
"Happy Birthday! You're now old!!"
Could feeeeeel the love. ;)
Hey, I know I left you a message....or left one for SOMEONE little miss I have a random answering machine and voicemail thingy on both my home & mobile phones..........................sheesh, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU, HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR G-EE, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My goodness.... ;-)
My goodness.... ;-)
It's funny how some folks seem to have a guilty conscious. Finding these peeps wasn't the goal of this post.
It's also funny how the folks I was talking about haven't replied. Well, maybe not since they haven't actualy been to the blog to read it. Doubtful that they'd figure out I was talking about them anyway. And no, I'm not just talking about men here.
r - having the default message on a home answering machine isn't random. Having Edge on my cell phone, well that might be random for anyone else in the world ('cept maybe Edge), but not for me. :)
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It's also funny how the folks I was talking about haven't replied. Well, maybe not since they haven't actualy been to the blog to read it. Doubtful that they'd figure out I was talking about them anyway. And no, I'm not just talking about men here.
r - having the default message on a home answering machine isn't random. Having Edge on my cell phone, well that might be random for anyone else in the world ('cept maybe Edge), but not for me. :)
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