This that and the other thing. Though there might be more of this than that. And little of the other things. Maybe.

Sunday, April 30, 2006

Bang Bang Thwack Ouch! Bang

Serves those noisy humans right! Making all that racket laying hardwood floors all day long. How's a fish to sleep??? Plus they were around all day! I couldn't leave my "tank" (it's a plastic two cup measuring cup for fin's sake!) and surf the web at all! Less they see me and realize I'm more than the 'phins' flipper.

Oh No! I hear Herself stirring. She makes it difficult for me to do anything at night since she wakes up all the time. Although, some of that is my fault. It's hard for me to get from my tank to the laptop and back without making Any noise. Of all the humans to take me home, I had to get a light sleeper.

Well this is Sir Alfred Gluttony, finning off (for now). Happy swims everyone!
you forgot to mention the swearing under the breath...
And you forgot that sounds travel further underwater. I wouldn't be surprised if Gluttony understood every word that was said. Muttered or otherwise.

I'll have to watch him more carefully. Didn't realize he was as mobile as he is.
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