This that and the other thing. Though there might be more of this than that. And little of the other things. Maybe.

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Rachel's Kitchen Has Moved to VA

Well this morning the smokey smell was gone from my apartment. Granted I aired out the place until midnight or so. By then I was probably used to the smell or my nose was frozen. Mayhap both. This morning I was tired but not so tired that I didn't notice the smell of burnt ..stuff as soon as I opened my apt. door to the entryway. It smelled crappy. Like seriously burnt dinner. That acrid stink that just hangs around. Kinda like how my friend's kitchen always smells. Well, that's an exaggeration. It doesn't always smell like that. Just when she cooks. ;)

There was also some ash like debris in the hallway by my front door. I'm hoping it was just itty bitty decayed leaf bits that had blown in while the firemen had the door opened. We'll see how it smells when I get home tonight.
Ah...There's nothing like coming home to the smell of the dinner that you've managed to incinerate the night before...
just think that fire could've been at your place if your popcorn towel fire had been bigger...
Claud - what can I say? Rach and I are multi-talented pyros. :)

And "anonymous" you're right. However, I do happen to have two fire extinguishers in my apt. And yes, I know where both are. And I even know how they work. In theory.
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