About Me
- Name: U2Lorax
- Location: RDU, NC, United States
U2 fan, Caniac, idealist, dreamer, environmentalist, BTVS addict, hockey nut, computer impaired coffeeholic. Did I mention U2 fan? :)

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This that and the other thing. Though there might be more of this than that. And little of the other things. Maybe.
Monday, April 10, 2006
Squirrelly Dream
Saturday night I had a bizarre dream. Admittedly most of the dreams I remember Are bizarre but this one was bizarre in a normal way. I mean, there were no talking plants are crying walls just people doing things that people do everyday. And yes, it involves U2. Shocking, I'm sure. ;)
I was at my parent's house at a party or celebration of some kind. It was the house they had when we lived in Kansas - kinda. The outside of the house and the general layout of the place was like we had in Kansas but the house itself was much more spacious. Nearly double the size in all.
It felt like the house was full of guests (murmur of conversation, the people I had to weave my way through, etc.) but I don't remember anyone other than my folks, brother & his family, and some others (good friends/coworkers not blood family). In the dream I was a well publicized author with connections to a certain rock band. I'm not sure how I made the connections, it wasn't important in the dream. Just something that Was. Same with my minimal publishing fame/success.
Anyway, I'm downstairs when my brother finds me and tells me that my uncle is sick and has been taken to the hospital. I panic and race upstairs to the bedroom where he was staying and he's gone. I frantically try calling his cell phone. No answer. So then I dash outside, get in my car and race to the hospital.
I talk my way past the nurses and security and into his room. It's 2 or 3 in the morning - definitely not visiting hours. He's connected to all kinds of tubes and is extremely pale. Only thing is, it's not my uncle, it's The Edge. But that's who I knew I'd find. Apparently my brother & I had developed a code where Uncle = The Edge. He didn't want others at the party to stampede to the hospital or impede me in anyway or realize that my "Uncle" was really a rock god.
So I'm at the hospital and don't know what's wrong. I place my left hand just over his heart, maybe an inch above the blanket, and my right hand over his forehead. I concentrate on him and sort of mentally dive into his body & spirit to see what's wrong. There's a faint pinkish glow between my hands and his body. He has severe abdomen pain and I search around and find that he has kidney stones. I pulverize them with my mental energy and move on, looking for other problems. There are some dark spots on his intestines which I scrub away. I had just finished scrubbing away the last dark spot when a nurse walks in and I had to pull out quickly.
The nurse is startled and hisses at me. Asking me what I'm doing, why I'm there, how did I get there, etc. During her whispered tirade, Edge wakes up and tells the nurse to go away. She does but only after ascertaining that he is fine (except for being in the hospital) and that I'm not hurting him in anyway.
She leaves and I resume my healing work while I talk with Edge. Apparently it wasn't the kidney stones and dark spots on his innards that had gotten him in here. It was food poisoning. So I focused my energies and eradicated the poison from his system. When I'm done I sort of just collapse into the chair next to his bed. I'm exhausted. Edge had fallen back asleep while I worked (due to the drugs they had him on). I laid my head on his bed, interlaced my fingers with his hand and closed my eyes to rest a bit.
I wake up to him stroking my hair with his free hand and his breakfast cold on the tray. The fact that I slept through the morning rounds and his breakfast being delivered is disturbing. Although the hair stroking was lovely. I raise my head and he's smiling at me.
It was great. There's more to the dream but I'm not telling. It was very sweet and endearing and I don't wanna share. I'm just going to hug it to myself and treasure it :) Yeah, so I'm a sappy romantic. What of it??
I was at my parent's house at a party or celebration of some kind. It was the house they had when we lived in Kansas - kinda. The outside of the house and the general layout of the place was like we had in Kansas but the house itself was much more spacious. Nearly double the size in all.
It felt like the house was full of guests (murmur of conversation, the people I had to weave my way through, etc.) but I don't remember anyone other than my folks, brother & his family, and some others (good friends/coworkers not blood family). In the dream I was a well publicized author with connections to a certain rock band. I'm not sure how I made the connections, it wasn't important in the dream. Just something that Was. Same with my minimal publishing fame/success.
Anyway, I'm downstairs when my brother finds me and tells me that my uncle is sick and has been taken to the hospital. I panic and race upstairs to the bedroom where he was staying and he's gone. I frantically try calling his cell phone. No answer. So then I dash outside, get in my car and race to the hospital.
I talk my way past the nurses and security and into his room. It's 2 or 3 in the morning - definitely not visiting hours. He's connected to all kinds of tubes and is extremely pale. Only thing is, it's not my uncle, it's The Edge. But that's who I knew I'd find. Apparently my brother & I had developed a code where Uncle = The Edge. He didn't want others at the party to stampede to the hospital or impede me in anyway or realize that my "Uncle" was really a rock god.
So I'm at the hospital and don't know what's wrong. I place my left hand just over his heart, maybe an inch above the blanket, and my right hand over his forehead. I concentrate on him and sort of mentally dive into his body & spirit to see what's wrong. There's a faint pinkish glow between my hands and his body. He has severe abdomen pain and I search around and find that he has kidney stones. I pulverize them with my mental energy and move on, looking for other problems. There are some dark spots on his intestines which I scrub away. I had just finished scrubbing away the last dark spot when a nurse walks in and I had to pull out quickly.
The nurse is startled and hisses at me. Asking me what I'm doing, why I'm there, how did I get there, etc. During her whispered tirade, Edge wakes up and tells the nurse to go away. She does but only after ascertaining that he is fine (except for being in the hospital) and that I'm not hurting him in anyway.
She leaves and I resume my healing work while I talk with Edge. Apparently it wasn't the kidney stones and dark spots on his innards that had gotten him in here. It was food poisoning. So I focused my energies and eradicated the poison from his system. When I'm done I sort of just collapse into the chair next to his bed. I'm exhausted. Edge had fallen back asleep while I worked (due to the drugs they had him on). I laid my head on his bed, interlaced my fingers with his hand and closed my eyes to rest a bit.
I wake up to him stroking my hair with his free hand and his breakfast cold on the tray. The fact that I slept through the morning rounds and his breakfast being delivered is disturbing. Although the hair stroking was lovely. I raise my head and he's smiling at me.
It was great. There's more to the dream but I'm not telling. It was very sweet and endearing and I don't wanna share. I'm just going to hug it to myself and treasure it :) Yeah, so I'm a sappy romantic. What of it??