About Me
- Name: U2Lorax
- Location: RDU, NC, United States
U2 fan, Caniac, idealist, dreamer, environmentalist, BTVS addict, hockey nut, computer impaired coffeeholic. Did I mention U2 fan? :)

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This that and the other thing. Though there might be more of this than that. And little of the other things. Maybe.
Tuesday, May 09, 2006
Grr Argh Infinity!
I'm not sure where to start. Most importantly is my belated shout out to a friend.. HAPPY BIRTHDAY AMY!!!! I was very bad and didn't get her called on Saturday and the e-card I sent came back because I typed the email address wrong. I'm a loser. Sorry Amy! Hope it was everything good you wanted it to be and none of the bad!
I recently moved buildings at work. That is, the company I'm contracted to moved buildings, so we had to move too. It's been a mess. Yet we get this chirpy email saying that the move has gone soooo wweellll. Whatever! you idiots. Providing a free shuttle to the new building from the old one and giving the drivers a different schedule than your employees does not indicate a smooth move to me. Nor does having everyone sign up for times to get their computers set up (passwords, etc) two days before the move only to "throw out the times" the day everyone returns because you failed to train people on how to set up the computers. People are still locked out of their computers. I'd hate to think what a bad move would entail.
Sunday I went to a Fairy Festival in Pennsylvania with a friend and her son. It was ..different. It was like a Ren Faire (Renniassnce Festival) in that more people were dressed up than not. At least, I hope they don't wear those outfits on a daily basis. Fairy wings, horns, masks, furry tails, filmy floaty dresses, barely there (see through) dresses, skin tight dresses, kilts, flourescent rainbow wigs, antenna. Just about anything you could possibly envision a fairy wearing was present. There was this one girl walking around in a pink prom dress (glittery bodice, with wide, poofy skirts), with a Miss America smile constantly on her face, carrying an orange A-Team lunchbox. I guess I missed the news blurb where it said that Mr. T. is a proud supporter of fairies.
I have glitter all over my backseat from my friend's fairy wings. This was her third year going. This was my first (and most likely last) time going. Although she did say that this year was very different from previous years. Different (ruder) people, fewer vendors, less music, etc. I dunno. Maybe in a year I'll be ready for another dose of random fairy people encounters.
And I saved the best for last... GO CANES!!!!!!! They lead the series against the New Jersey Devils 2-0. Last night's game was Awesome!!! Devils led 1-0 for most of the game, then the Canes tied it up. THEN with only about 25 seconds left in the third period, the Devils score giving them the lead 2-1. Agony! Laviolette (Canes' coach) pulls Cam (goalie) and puts in a sixth forward for the face off at center ice. Canes lose the face off but the Devils put the puck way back in their territory. Much skating and shouting ensue (okay shouting from myself and the other fans) and Canes score! There's only 3.7 seconds left in the regular game and we tie it up again!! Forcing it into overtime! Lots more cheering (I'm sure my neighbors hate me and hockey now). In sudden death overtime Canes score just over 3 minutes into it. We win! Oh man!! GREAT Game!!! Granted the first game in the series (best of seven) was fantastic too! We won that one 6-0 :)
Go Hurricanes!! Win the Stanley Cup!! Yall can do it!!!!!!
I recently moved buildings at work. That is, the company I'm contracted to moved buildings, so we had to move too. It's been a mess. Yet we get this chirpy email saying that the move has gone soooo wweellll. Whatever! you idiots. Providing a free shuttle to the new building from the old one and giving the drivers a different schedule than your employees does not indicate a smooth move to me. Nor does having everyone sign up for times to get their computers set up (passwords, etc) two days before the move only to "throw out the times" the day everyone returns because you failed to train people on how to set up the computers. People are still locked out of their computers. I'd hate to think what a bad move would entail.
Sunday I went to a Fairy Festival in Pennsylvania with a friend and her son. It was ..different. It was like a Ren Faire (Renniassnce Festival) in that more people were dressed up than not. At least, I hope they don't wear those outfits on a daily basis. Fairy wings, horns, masks, furry tails, filmy floaty dresses, barely there (see through) dresses, skin tight dresses, kilts, flourescent rainbow wigs, antenna. Just about anything you could possibly envision a fairy wearing was present. There was this one girl walking around in a pink prom dress (glittery bodice, with wide, poofy skirts), with a Miss America smile constantly on her face, carrying an orange A-Team lunchbox. I guess I missed the news blurb where it said that Mr. T. is a proud supporter of fairies.
I have glitter all over my backseat from my friend's fairy wings. This was her third year going. This was my first (and most likely last) time going. Although she did say that this year was very different from previous years. Different (ruder) people, fewer vendors, less music, etc. I dunno. Maybe in a year I'll be ready for another dose of random fairy people encounters.
And I saved the best for last... GO CANES!!!!!!! They lead the series against the New Jersey Devils 2-0. Last night's game was Awesome!!! Devils led 1-0 for most of the game, then the Canes tied it up. THEN with only about 25 seconds left in the third period, the Devils score giving them the lead 2-1. Agony! Laviolette (Canes' coach) pulls Cam (goalie) and puts in a sixth forward for the face off at center ice. Canes lose the face off but the Devils put the puck way back in their territory. Much skating and shouting ensue (okay shouting from myself and the other fans) and Canes score! There's only 3.7 seconds left in the regular game and we tie it up again!! Forcing it into overtime! Lots more cheering (I'm sure my neighbors hate me and hockey now). In sudden death overtime Canes score just over 3 minutes into it. We win! Oh man!! GREAT Game!!! Granted the first game in the series (best of seven) was fantastic too! We won that one 6-0 :)
Go Hurricanes!! Win the Stanley Cup!! Yall can do it!!!!!!
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Ah, there's nothing I love more than a good ol' Ren Fest! Well, maybe stabbing myself in the eye with a sharp stick, but that's about it...
Even using a dull stick would be better, IMHO.
And, have you always been a hockey fan, G? Or was that after you were transplanted to the land of sweet tea?
Go Whalers!
And, have you always been a hockey fan, G? Or was that after you were transplanted to the land of sweet tea?
Go Whalers!
But but but but! It's a Ren Fest! A festival of Ren! (sorry b, had to do it). Okay, it wasn't my most fave way to spend the day but it was eye opening.
As for hockey I've been a fan since 9th grade Geometry class. My teacher was a huge fan and would close the door and let us watch games. However, I hadn't been able to feed the fanaticism much until college. Went to a couple of KC blades game and an exhibition game of St. Lou Blues vs Nash Predators in KC. Friend & I cheered for the Predators. I think we were the only 2 people in the building who were. They won too.
But yes, twas after moving to NC that I became a HUGE fan. Go Canes!! :) Even living up here near DC, I'm still a Caniac.
As for hockey I've been a fan since 9th grade Geometry class. My teacher was a huge fan and would close the door and let us watch games. However, I hadn't been able to feed the fanaticism much until college. Went to a couple of KC blades game and an exhibition game of St. Lou Blues vs Nash Predators in KC. Friend & I cheered for the Predators. I think we were the only 2 people in the building who were. They won too.
But yes, twas after moving to NC that I became a HUGE fan. Go Canes!! :) Even living up here near DC, I'm still a Caniac.
Nice. I'd much rather see the 'Canes win than the Devils, believe you me.
And, let me just tell you, as much of a hockey fan as I am, watching Sidney Crosby all season made me feel a lot better about buying season tickets this past year, and made me that much more of a fan.
Unfortunate to watch a losing Penguins' season, but watching The Kid's rookie season? Priceless. Don't ask me how much it cost me, tho...
And, let me just tell you, as much of a hockey fan as I am, watching Sidney Crosby all season made me feel a lot better about buying season tickets this past year, and made me that much more of a fan.
Unfortunate to watch a losing Penguins' season, but watching The Kid's rookie season? Priceless. Don't ask me how much it cost me, tho...
And, you'd be lucky to attend a genuine Ren Fest. That's more fun than you can shake a stick at. Sharp or dull.
Season tickets *drool*. B, my bestest dearest friend in the whole wide world can I go to a game or 10 with you next year?? I promise to even cheer for the Penguins - unless I like the other team better :)
Shoot I even applied for a job in Pittsburgh last week (desperate times call for desperate measures). And that was without the thought of hockey games in the mix. If I were still in Raleigh, I'd have a mini season pass at least.
As for a genuine Ren Fest. I'm fairly sure I wouldn't survive. But I know I'd die happy ;)
Shoot I even applied for a job in Pittsburgh last week (desperate times call for desperate measures). And that was without the thought of hockey games in the mix. If I were still in Raleigh, I'd have a mini season pass at least.
As for a genuine Ren Fest. I'm fairly sure I wouldn't survive. But I know I'd die happy ;)
The season tickets were a birthday present to myself, purchased the week after they drafted Crosby. ;)
I may or may not have paid them off by now, I'm not quite sure, and I'm still in the process of convincing myself I want to do it again next season. But, there's a fair to good chance the Penguins will be gone after next season, so I'm leaning towards renewing.
Tickets to a genuine Ren Fest are very hard to come by, but well worth the price of admission.
What the...?!
I may or may not have paid them off by now, I'm not quite sure, and I'm still in the process of convincing myself I want to do it again next season. But, there's a fair to good chance the Penguins will be gone after next season, so I'm leaning towards renewing.
Tickets to a genuine Ren Fest are very hard to come by, but well worth the price of admission.
What the...?!
Do it! Do it! Do it! Hockey tix are all good! :) I bought myself tickets to 2 or 3 concerts for my birthday. Last two bdays I bought myself concert tix. Maybe if it was later/earlier in the year, I'd be thinking season hockey tix.
Drafted Crosby.. But what about Stills, Nash & Young? *ba dum ching* Sorry. Couldn't help myself.
Wait! Hold up! Admission to a Ren Fest?? You let people observe?? Eek! umm err that's not so groovy. But hey, if it blows your skirt up.. :)
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Drafted Crosby.. But what about Stills, Nash & Young? *ba dum ching* Sorry. Couldn't help myself.
Wait! Hold up! Admission to a Ren Fest?? You let people observe?? Eek! umm err that's not so groovy. But hey, if it blows your skirt up.. :)
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