About Me
- Name: U2Lorax
- Location: RDU, NC, United States
U2 fan, Caniac, idealist, dreamer, environmentalist, BTVS addict, hockey nut, computer impaired coffeeholic. Did I mention U2 fan? :)

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This that and the other thing. Though there might be more of this than that. And little of the other things. Maybe.
Thursday, May 04, 2006
More Furry Encounters
I couldn't risk getting to the computer on Wednesday. Little black princess was restless and moving around most of the night. I did my best to taunt her though, as payback for preventing me from surfing and writing.
Last night Herself and I went back on the road but it wasn't for too long this time. Which is good because I had just eaten and was feeling queasy. It's not true that fish don't get seasick! We're not used to traveling in cars in a itty bit of water! There's more sloshing around and changes in pressure than I ever get in my tank. Thankfully I'm sturdier than most and handle it like a grouper (the fish not the soldier).
The new place has two humans I met briefly back in December and two more little furry critters. One is all long haired and acts like he's royalty. I've heard the humans say he's a Himalayan so I guess he needs all that fur to survive in the mountains but it makes me wonder why he's living here. It gets so hot. The other one is all grey and very nosy and hyperactive. He went running around the place with a crazed look in his eye last night. Not long thereafter I noticed this horrible smell. I heard Herself laughing like a loon. Humans. They have the oddest sense of humor.
Well I hear the humans moving around, I better sneak back to my cup. No easy feat with hyperactive and furball on the prowl. But I persevere. I'm a slave to my art, what can I say?
Last night Herself and I went back on the road but it wasn't for too long this time. Which is good because I had just eaten and was feeling queasy. It's not true that fish don't get seasick! We're not used to traveling in cars in a itty bit of water! There's more sloshing around and changes in pressure than I ever get in my tank. Thankfully I'm sturdier than most and handle it like a grouper (the fish not the soldier).
The new place has two humans I met briefly back in December and two more little furry critters. One is all long haired and acts like he's royalty. I've heard the humans say he's a Himalayan so I guess he needs all that fur to survive in the mountains but it makes me wonder why he's living here. It gets so hot. The other one is all grey and very nosy and hyperactive. He went running around the place with a crazed look in his eye last night. Not long thereafter I noticed this horrible smell. I heard Herself laughing like a loon. Humans. They have the oddest sense of humor.
Well I hear the humans moving around, I better sneak back to my cup. No easy feat with hyperactive and furball on the prowl. But I persevere. I'm a slave to my art, what can I say?