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- Name: U2Lorax
- Location: RDU, NC, United States
U2 fan, Caniac, idealist, dreamer, environmentalist, BTVS addict, hockey nut, computer impaired coffeeholic. Did I mention U2 fan? :)

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This that and the other thing. Though there might be more of this than that. And little of the other things. Maybe.
Sunday, May 14, 2006
A Rope, A Tree, Hang the Referee!
Yes that swearing and shouting of disbelief yall heard yesterday afternoon was yours truly. I'm vocal when it comes to watching hockey. And yesterday's game seriously ticked me off! Sure the Canes weren't in top form and the devils were playing better but that does NOT excuse the referees! Or the crappy announcers on NBC!!
I had the game on mute from the end of the first period on. I just couldn't take the obvious cheering for the devils from the announcers! What the heck?? I thought announcers were supposed to be neutral! Just report the game! Not call every little move by the devils as genius and brilliant. And then cover the Canes as "oh yeah, Ward blocked a shot." Gah! The public channels hardly cover hockey and when they finally do, they do it horribly. I'd rather they not show it at all than to cover it like they did yesterday. You hear that NBC??!! Don't show hockey if you can't have your announcers be neutral! Keep it on OLN! Next season I may cave and get Center Ice.
And the refs! Obviously they were paid by the devils to make calls for them. Or maybe they just want more games? Do refs get paid by the game?? Cause that would make sense for the calls they made and, more importantly, the ones they DIDN'T make! Janssen needs to be pistol whipped for that hit on Adams that should've been called as interference at the very least! Apparently the devils were so desperate Not to be shut out that they had to play dirty. I guess if that's the only way they can win... but can they really look themselves in the eyes the next day? Pathetic.
Game 1 stats
Game 2 stats
Game 3 stats
Game 4 stats
Game 5 is tonight on OLN. 7 pm Eastern time. Yall know where I'll be.
I had the game on mute from the end of the first period on. I just couldn't take the obvious cheering for the devils from the announcers! What the heck?? I thought announcers were supposed to be neutral! Just report the game! Not call every little move by the devils as genius and brilliant. And then cover the Canes as "oh yeah, Ward blocked a shot." Gah! The public channels hardly cover hockey and when they finally do, they do it horribly. I'd rather they not show it at all than to cover it like they did yesterday. You hear that NBC??!! Don't show hockey if you can't have your announcers be neutral! Keep it on OLN! Next season I may cave and get Center Ice.
And the refs! Obviously they were paid by the devils to make calls for them. Or maybe they just want more games? Do refs get paid by the game?? Cause that would make sense for the calls they made and, more importantly, the ones they DIDN'T make! Janssen needs to be pistol whipped for that hit on Adams that should've been called as interference at the very least! Apparently the devils were so desperate Not to be shut out that they had to play dirty. I guess if that's the only way they can win... but can they really look themselves in the eyes the next day? Pathetic.
Game 1 stats
Game 2 stats
Game 3 stats
Game 4 stats
Game 5 is tonight on OLN. 7 pm Eastern time. Yall know where I'll be.
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Guess you can relax now that the 'canes won game five. It means game 4 didn't matter. Coarse I guess you argue that if they won game four - game five wouldn't have happened and Stillman would'nt have been hurt. Hopefully he can play in the next game...but from what I saw I think that will be very unlikely.
I know. Man that looked painful! I hope he's okay! Even if he's out the rest of the season. I just want him to be okay.
Next game is after the 18th sometime. Not sure of the exact date. Too busy celebrating the win to check :)
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Next game is after the 18th sometime. Not sure of the exact date. Too busy celebrating the win to check :)
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