This that and the other thing. Though there might be more of this than that. And little of the other things. Maybe.

Friday, May 05, 2006

Something Fishie Went On Here....

Hmmm I see while I was off touring the eastern seaboard with Sir Alfred Gluttony (my male betta), he was busy sneaking around at odd hours posting on my blog. He's a squirrelly little fishie. I'm sure he's quite happy to be back in his two gallon tank with castle and fake plants.

Anyway, I'm back in VA. Last Friday I drove to Ohio and spent the weekend at my brother & sister-in-law's house. As Glutt posted earlier, we (brother, father & I) laid some Pergo floors in the kitchen, dining room & front entry (sis-in-law, nephew & mother were touring Longaberger baskets and the town of Dresden, Ohio on Saturday).

Monday morning I drove to North Carolina (and nearly danced for joy when I found gas for $2.72 a gallon in Wytheville, VA). I crashed with Elims "somewhere" in Johnston county until Wednesday afternoon. Weds I drove to Raleigh and stayed with some other friends. W went out to dinner and then hung out on their very groovy patio chatting. Thursday morning I drove back to VA. I got home around 1.30 in the afternoon. Traffic was incredibly light! Mind boggling light!

Today I've been loafing. I went shopping and got maybe 75% of the stuff I was looking for. I had no idea it'd be soooo hard to find a stupid thermos! And a cup with a filter on it! Oy! May hit some more home goods type stores tomorrow. I'm all shopped out for the day. Not sure I can handle anymore people. Besides, I need to do laundry.
"I had no idea it'd be soooo hard to find a stupid thermos!"

No kidding! What I'm dying to find is a insulated cup that you can also put in the microwave. You'd think with all our space-age technology, we'd be able to make something like that. There's nothing like driving home after a long day, drinking lukewarm coffee. I think if I want something that specific, I'm going to have to go online.
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