This that and the other thing. Though there might be more of this than that. And little of the other things. Maybe.

Monday, June 26, 2006

Feeling Drafty

So I watched the NHL Draft on Saturday night (I know, I know, I'm too hip and cool for yall, I'm okay with that). I was reminded of the fun I had at the NHL Draft in Raleigh back in 2004. So I plan to attend the 2007 draft in Columbus. What say we all meet there? Of the hockey nuts that read this, I'm the furtherst away. I think. Hmm maybe Renee & Scott.

What I don't get is why the heck Alexander Ovechkin was there? Why did the craptials let him up on stage? let alone announce their first draft pick?? Seriously. Rookie of the year? No way! That should've been Cam Ward! Hello! How far did the craptials make it in the playoffs? Hmm? I rest my case.

Anyway, we had lots and lots of rain and thunderstorms this weekend. Lots of flooding around here. Massive traffic issues this morning that even made the national morning news talk shows. I even lost power for a bit. We're supposed to have storms all this week too. Woohoo!!
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