This that and the other thing. Though there might be more of this than that. And little of the other things. Maybe.

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Early Birthday Wishes

One of the coolest guys I have had the privlige to meet has a birthday early next month. Yeah, he's a Leo, so obviously he's not perfect. However, he's not nearly as spotlight oriented as the female Leos tend to be. He is an amazing person who has made me laugh and cry and has been there for me when I needed him to be. I've known him since college and will be forever greatful that I was introduced to him my freshman year.

Anyway, I just wanted to wish him a heartfelt Happy Birthday. I know I'm a couple weeks early, but I felt the need to write this today. So from the very bottom of my heart, Happy Birthday The Edge!!
Huh. I just realized (yeah, just, uh huh) that this entire entry could be about b. His birthday is in early August, I met him in college, he's made me laugh etc. Huh. Funny how that worked. One might think I planned it that way... Nahhhhh not me! ;)
Looks like I was correct...
Who's Edge? Is that the guy who stands next to Bono?
Who's Bonoo?
Could've been, right up until the end...


And WTF do you mean Leo's aren't perfect?!?
Umm Bono is a former quarterback for the KC Chiefs. The Edge is a rock god. Huge difference, Deal, but nice try.

Ohhhh wait! You mean that guy who fakes playing a guitar and sings? Yeah, he stands next to The Edge.

As for Bonoo umm isn't that the sound someone makes when they hit a patch of ice and skid into a tree whilst skiing?

Yeah, b, truth hurts, doesn't it? It's okay. I'm confident in your ego's abilities to totally disregard anything with which it doesn't agree.
That's silly. Your so-called "truth" doesn't faze me!

And what's up with this U2 fan in-fighting? Aren't you monkeys on the same team?
Not fighting, joshing. Deal is under the misguided perception that Bono is hotter than The Edge. Obviously not the case.

We're all on the same main team (U2 Fan) but different sub teams (Edge & Bono). Perfectly logical. Well apparently to everyone except Leos.
It's like you U2 people speak another language...

I recognize all the words, but they make no sense the way they're all put together.

Let me try and put this in a way you'll understand.

Pretend that Deal & I are both fans of you. However, she thinks your smile is better than your eyes and I think your eyes are better than your smile. It doesn't mean she likes you less than me (or vice versa) just that we admire different aspects of you.

That help? ;)
No, not helpful. And all that flattery will get you...umm...where was I going with this again...?
What most amuses me is that Deal hasn't a clue who you are and wouldn't know if you have a nice smile or nice eyes. Yet you take it as a matter of course that she'd think so if she met you. Ahhhh leos. ;)
Your point being....what, again? ;)
Other than Leos = Egomaniacs? Nothing. Nothing at all. ;)
you all are silly...G, do I get credit for the U2 introduction? Or did you figure that out on your own? Happy b-day to the edge!!!!!!!!!!!!!

U2 Rules!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

even if today's teens think of them as "old"
Nahh I've given you mad props for playing Joshua Tree freshman year, Nee. I'd heard them before and liked them but hadn't been immersed in them until then. I've been marinating in U2 ever since :)

So thanks again for the ..recipe? ;)
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